Complete the notes below.
Example: Current students get membership for ....no charge / free..... • a yearly membership costs £ 1 for alumni • Features offered include: • the Emily Pankhurst 2 • the Dalton 3 • personal 4 at an extra charge • Hours: 6 a.m. to 5 on week days and 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends |
Complete the form below.
• Customer name: Shannon 6 • Street Address: 7 • City: Newcastle • Postcode: 8 • Telephone number: 9 • Payment method: cash • Proof of address: 10 |
You will hear a telephone conversation between a student and an employee at a university sports facility.
First you have some time to look at questions 1 to 5
(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)
You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.
S = Former student, Shannon Fleet E = Employee
E; Hello, Ratner Athletics Centre; how can I help you?
S: Yes, hi. I'm interested in finding out some information about membership.
E: Certainly. Are you a student?
S: No. Is that a problem? I was a student here two years ago .... E: Alright, that's no problem. Current students get membership for no charge, but recreational memberships are also available for purchase for university faculty, staff, alumni, and retirees, as well as their spouses and children.
The answer is ''no charge" so this has boon filled in for you. Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.
S: Ok, good. How much does it cost?
E: For an alumnus, that's two hundred and forty pounds annually, or one hundred pounds for a month.
S: Oh, That's quite expensive. It's a shame I didn't take advantage of the athletics facility when I was a student here. I'll have to think about this.
E: Well, we do offer a really excellent facility. For the cost, members have access to the Emily Pankhurst Fitness Centre, which Is a beautiful exercise space - open and full of light. The fitness centre includes two weight circuits, free weights, rowing machines, elliptical trainers, recumbent and upright bicycles, step mills, and treadmills [exercise machines] - and many many other activities. But the most prominent, and I'd have to say popular, feature of the Ratner Centre is the Dalton swimming pool. It's 50 metres by 25 metres and includes up to 20 lanes in the 25-metre dimension and nine lanes in the 50-metre dimension, and also has two one-metre diving boards available. What activities, specifically, are you Interested in?
S: Yes, well, I'm interested in swimming, and also in getting started with some weight training, although I've never tried It before in my life. I feel rather intimidated, actually. Is there Instruction available?
You know, someone to teach me to use the machines and maybe help me figure out a training programme to reach my goals?
E: Yes, we have personal trainers available for an additional cost. We also offer fitness evaluation, which by the way I highly recommend for someone just starting out with weight training, and you would be orientated to the machines as part of this.
S: Oh, one more thing. What are the opening hours?
E: We're open from six in the morning to midnight on weekdays and from six in the morning to nine p.m. on weekends.
S: Oh, that's good. Alright, well, I guess I'd like to join.
Before you hear the second conversation, you have some time to look at questions 6 to 10.
(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)
Now listen and answer questions 6 to 10.
E: Very well. Can I have your name please?
S: That's Shannon Fleet. S-H-A-N-N-O-N F-L-E-E-T.
E: Ok, and your address?
S: Twenty-four Whitehall Close. Newcastle ....
E: Sorry, can you please spell the street name for me?
S: Yes, of course. That's W-H-l-T-E-H-A-L-L C-L-O-S-E.
E: Got it. And your post code?
S: N-E zero, one - E - N.
E: N as in night and E as in England?
S: Yes, that's correct.
E: I'll need a phone number.
S: Ok. it's 9-7-6-5 4-8-4 4-9-3.
E: That's 9-7-6-5 4-8-4 9-4-3.
S: No, sorry. The last three numbers are 4-9-3, not 9-4-3.
E: Ok. Now, you'll need to pay when you come for the first time, and you can either pay by cash or credit card.
S: I'll pay cash.
E: Fine. And be sure to bring some sort of proof of address, like a bill or driver's licence.
S: I don't drive. Will my electricity bill do?
E: Yes, that's fine. And also bring a passport-sized photo so we can make up your membership card.
S: Ok, thanks. I'll come by this afternoon.
That is the end of Part one. You now have half a minute to check your answers.
(Pause the recording for 30 seconds)
Now turn to Part two.