IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 3

IELTS Practice Tests Plus Volume 3

(966 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 14 Dec 2017
  • 模考人次: 411,102


Part 1: Question 1 - 13
  • 1 10/ten million 
  • 2 cats and foxes/ foxes and cats 
  • 3 monitored 
  • 4 (a wild-)fire 
  • 5 extinct 
  • 6 5/five months 
  • 7 15/fifteen weeks 
  • 8 (strong) medicinal powers 
  • 9 skills and knowledge 
  • 10 FALSE 
  • 11 TRUE 
  • 12 NOT GIVEN 
  • 13 TRUE 
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 13
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 1 10/ten million 
  • 2 cats and foxes/ foxes and cats 
  • 3 monitored 
  • 4 (a wild-)fire 
  • 5 extinct 
  • 6 5/five months 
  • 7 15/fifteen weeks 
  • 8 (strong) medicinal powers 
  • 9 skills and knowledge 
  • 10 FALSE 
  • 11 TRUE 
  • 12 NOT GIVEN 
  • 13 TRUE 
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
  • 14 ii 
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17 vii 
  • 18 iv 
  • 19 viii 
  • 20 21 B,D 
  • 22 23 A,E 
  • 24 Astrakhan 
  • 25 houses 
  • 26 fire 
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 14 ii 
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17 vii 
  • 18 iv 
  • 19 viii 
  • 20 21 B,D 
  • 22 23 A,E 
  • 24 Astrakhan 
  • 25 houses 
  • 26 fire 
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
  • 27 NO 
  • 28 YES 
  • 29 NO 
  • 30 YES 
  • 31 NOT GIVEN 
  • 32 YES 
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 27 NO 
  • 28 YES 
  • 29 NO 
  • 30 YES 
  • 31 NOT GIVEN 
  • 32 YES 
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36
  • 37
  • 38
  • 39
  • 40


g g 9.015:51
R Chang 9.017:09
Louis Le 9.018:40
4 tohuynhkhanhan 9.018:47
5 pranjal shivani jain 9.019:32
6 Chang Richards 9.021:35
7 boyh82 9.022:18
8 Hyder Abbas 9.024:13
9 Anushaa Chandran Chandran 9.026:14
10 Isha Shah 9.026:17
IELTS Practice Test Listening

IELTS Practice Test Listening

The IELTS Listening test will take about 30 minutes, and you will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

(100 评分人数)
06 Jun 2018


Part 1: Questions 1-13

Questions 1-5

Complete the flow chart below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

The Wild Australian mala

Distant past: total population of up to 1 in desert and semi-desert regions.
Populations of malas were destroyed by 2
1964/1976: two surviving colonies were discovered.
Scientists 3 the colonies.
1987: one of the colonies was completely destroyed.
1991: the other colony was destroyed by 4
The wild mala was declared 5
  • 1 Answer: 10/ten million

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Distant past: total population of up to Q1_____  in desert and semi-desert regions.

    At one time, there may have been as many as ten million of these little animals across the arid and semi-arid landscape of Australia


    • Based on the question, we need to find the information about the number of Wild Australian mala species have been living in deserts and semi-desert areas. From the connections stated above, the answer obviously is “10/ten million”. (both number “10” and the word “ten” are accepted as the instructions).

  • 2 Answer: cats and foxes/ foxes and cats

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Populations of malas were destroyed by Q2_____

    [...] like those of so many other small endemic species, were devastated when cats and foxes were introduced


    • To answer this question, we need to find what caused the population of malas to be destroyed.

    • It is clearly mentioned in the first paragraph that malas like many other small species were devastated (destroyed) when cats and foxes were introduced (were first time entered Australia). So the answer is “cats and foxes”.

  • 3 Answer: monitored

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    1964/1976: two surviving colonies were discovered.

    Scientists Q3______  the colonies

    • At the bottom of the first paragraph:

    But in 1964, a small colony was found 450 miles northwest of Alice Springs in the Tanami Desert. And 12 years later, a second small colony was found nearby. Very extensive surveys were made throughout historical mala range - but no other traces were found.

    • At the top of the second paragraph:

    Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, scientists from the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory monitored these two populations


    • Use the fact (1964/1976) just before Q3 to scan and locate the correct part of the text leads to the right answer.

    • In the text, the writer mentions two surviving colonies including “a small colony was found 450 miles northwest of Alice Springs in the Tanami Desert and a second small colony was found nearby”. The writer also indicates that throughout the 1970s and 1980s, scientists monitored these two populations (living in these two colonies). So the answer is “monitored”.

  • 4 Answer: (a wild-)fire

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    1991: the other colony was destroyed by Q4______

    • At the bottom of the second paragraph

    And then, in October 1991, a wild- fire destroyed the entire area occupied by the remaining colony


    • Quickly scan to look for the number “1991” in the text to locate the correct part including the answer.

    • Based on the question, we need to find what caused the other colony to be destroyed.

    • From the extracts above, we can easily see that fire is the cause of the destruction of the other colony (remaining colony). So the answer is “fire”.

  • 5 Answer: extinct

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    The wild mala was declared Q5_____

    Thus the mala was finally pronounced extinct in the wild.


    • It is clearly stated in the last sentence of the second paragraph that the mala was declared (pronounced) extinct. So the answer is “extinct”.

Questions 6-9

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

At what age can female malas start breeding?


For about how long do young malas stay inside their mother’s pouch?


Apart from being a food source, what value did malas have for the Yapa people?


What was the Yapa’s lasting contribution to the mala reintroduction programme?


  • 6 Answer: 5/five months

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q6: At what age can female malas start breeding?

    Part of this success is due to the fact that the female can breed when she is just five months old and can produce up to three young a year.


    • Based on the question and particularly the keywords “age and breeding”, we need to find the age of female malas to start breeding (having babies).

    • It is clearly mentioned in paragraph 3 that “the female can breed when she (the female malas) is just five months old”. So the answer is “5/five months” (both number “10” and the word “ten” are accepted as the instructions).

  • 7 Answer: 15/fifteen weeks

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7: For about how long do young malas stay inside their mother’s pouch?

    Like other kangaroo species, the mother carries her young - known as a joey - in her pouch for about 15 weeks.


    • Based on the question, we need to find a period of time that young malas stay inside their mother’s pouch. And it is indicated in paragraph 2 that the mother carries her young malas in her pouch for 15 weeks. So 15 weeks is the answer to Q7.

  • 8 Answer: (strong) medicinal powers

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q8: Apart from being a food source, what value did malas have for the Yapa people?

    Traditionally, the mala had been an important animal in their culture, with strong medicinal powers for old people. It had also been an important food source, [...]


    • The keywords: food source, value, the Yapa people

    • Quickly scan to locate the word “Yapa” in the text.

    • Based on the question, we need to find other values that malas bring to the Yapa people other than a food source.

    • There are two values of malas mentioned in 4an important food source” and “strong medicinal powers”. So the answer is “strong medicinal powers”.

  • 9 Answer: skills and knowledge

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q9: What was the Yapa’s lasting contribution to the mala reintroduction programme?

    And so, in 1980, a group of key Yapa men was invited to visit the proposed reintroduction area. The skills and knowledge of the Yapa would play a significant and enduring role in this and all other mala projects


    • Based on the question, we need to find what the Yapa people provide to help the mala reintroduction programme.

    • We can learn from the extracts above that a group of key Yapa men had contributed their skills and knowledge which play a significant and enduring role in the mala project. So the answer is “skills and knowledge”.

Questions 10-13


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

The Rufous Hare-Wallaby

The Rufous Hare-Wallaby is a species of Australian kangaroo, usually known by its Aboriginal name, ‘mala’. At one time, there may have been as many as ten million of these little animals across the arid and semi-arid landscape of Australia, but their populations, like those of so many other small endemic species, were devastated when cats and foxes were introduced - indeed, during the 1950s it was thought that the mala was extinct. But in 1964, a small colony was found 450 miles northwest of Alice Springs in the Tanami Desert. And 12 years later, a second small colony was found nearby. Very extensive surveys were made throughout historical mala range - but no other traces were found.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, scientists from the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory monitored these two populations. At first it seemed that they were holding their own. Then in late 1987, every one of the individuals of the second and smaller of the wild colonies was killed. From examination of the tracks in the sand, it seemed that just one single fox had been responsible. And then, in October 1991, a wild-fire destroyed the entire area occupied by the remaining colony. Thus the mala was finally pronounced extinct in the wild.

Fortunately, ten years earlier, seven individuals had been captured, and had become the founders of a captive breeding programme at the Arid Zone Research Institute in Alice Springs; and that group had thrived. Part of this success is due to the fact that the female can breed when she is just five months old and can produce up to three young a year. Like other kangaroo species, the mother carries her young - known as a joey - in her pouch for about 15 weeks, and she can have more than one joey at the same time.

In the early 1980s, there were enough mala in the captive population to make it feasible to start a reintroduction programme. But first it was necessary to discuss this with the leaders of the Yapa people. Traditionally, the mala had been an important animal in their culture, with strong medicinal powers for old people. It had also been an important food source, and there were concerns that any mala returned to the wild would be killed for the pot. And so, in 1980, a group of key Yapa men was invited to visit the proposed reintroduction area. The skills and knowledge of the Yapa would play a significant and enduring role in this and all other mala projects.

With the help of the local Yapa, an electric fence was erected around 250 acres of suitable habitat, about 300 miles'northwest of Alice Springs so that the mala could adapt while protected from predators. By 1992, there were about 150 mala in their enclosure, which became known as the Mala Paddock. However, all attempts to reintroduce mala from the paddocks into the unfenced wild were unsuccessful, so in the end the reintroduction programme was abandoned. The team now faced a situation where mala could be bred, but not released into the wild again.

Thus, in 1993, a Mala Recovery Team was established to boost mala numbers, and goals for a new programme were set: the team concentrated on finding suitable predator-free or predator-controlled conservation sites within the mala’s known range. Finally, in March 1999, twelve adult females, eight adult males, and eight joeys were transferred from the Mala Paddock to Dryandra Woodland in Western Australia. Then, a few months later, a second group was transferred to Trimouille, an island off the coast of western Australia. First, it had been necessary to rid the island of rats and cats - a task that had taken two years of hard work.

Six weeks after their release into this conservation site, a team returned to the island to find out how things were going. Each of the malas had been fitted with a radio collar that transmits for about 14 months, after which it falls off. The team was able to locate 29 out of the 30 transmitters - only one came from the collar of a mala that had died of unknown causes. So far the recovery programme had gone even better than expected.

Today, there are many signs suggesting that the mala population on the island is continuing to do well.

