Current IELTS Speaking Test Questions & Topics (May to July 2020)

Current IELTS Speaking Test Questions & Topics (May to July 2020)

Prepare for IELTS Speaking Test with the latest reported questions & topics

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Live Lesson Information

  • 12/11/2020
  • 1,000+ Attendees
  • 09:00 - 10:00 (GMT -4)
  • Free
  • English
Samuel T.
Expert IELTS instructor and assessor
Samuel is an IELTS instructor from the UK. He has over six years' examiner experience with British Council, and has prepared and delivered IELTS preparation courses at several universities for a decade. He is able to diagnose students' needs quickly and efficiently, and specialises in empowering students to achieve and go beyond band 7.

About this live lesson

In this free interactive webinar, our IELTS expert will guide us through current test questions and topics that students have reported in the Speaking Test recently. We'll discuss how to best answer these questions and tackle any difficult topics. You will have the opportunity to give example answers throughout the presentation, and ask questions during a Q&A session.

Key content

During this webinar, you will:

  • recognize and respond to current reported questions in the IELTS Speaking Test
  • discuss high-level answers to common reported questions
  • learn strategies for tackling difficult current reported topics

Who else is joining

Latifah Ibrahim
Saudi Arabia
Talal Shobaita
United Arab Emirates

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