
IELTS Speaking Evaluation Basic Package

By purchasing this package, you'll receive 1 full online IELTS Speaking practice session with one our trusted examiners with 10+ years of experience in IELTS tests, who will evaluate your current speaking proficiency based on IELTS marking criteria and provide insights into how you can improve your speaking skill for the IELTS test.

**Test can only be arranged 48 hours after payment is received

How it works

Purchase a package

Found your preferred package? Simply click Buy Now and complete the payment. Our support team will send a confirmation email and help you to arrange your preferred time and date for the sessions.

Interview with our examiner

As your confirmed schedule arrives, your IELTS Speaking practice test will be carried out by an experienced examiner in order to assess your skills. At the end of each session, you will also receive some tips on your perfomance.

Receive your results

Hang in there! After the practice test, a full report with your estimated IELTS Speaking score will be sent to your email within 48 hours, including valuable feedback on how to improve your skills. Find out more here!


Tool Requirements

How our IELTS Speaking Evaluation sessions work


We'll enstablish a stable connection with you and make sure everything's in order; we can hear you and you can hear us crystal clear!


An experienced examiner will guide you through an IELTS Speaking practice test to assess your current proficiency just like an actual test. You will be evaluated based on official IELTS Speaking Test criteria.


Once the test is over, your examiner will give you pointers on how to improve. You can also take this time to clarify any doubts with your examiner.

The Three Sections of An IELTS Speaking Test

Part 1 Introduction and interview4-5 minutesThe examiner will introduce him or herself and ask you to introduce yourself and confirm your identity. The examiner will ask you general questions on familiar topics, e.g. home, family, work, studies and interests. This section should help you relax and talk naturally.
Part 2 Individual long turn3-4 minutesThe examiner will give you a task card which asks you to talk about a particular topic, including points to include in your talk. You will be given one minute to prepare and make notes. You will then be asked to talk for 1-2 minutes on the topic. You will not be interrupted during this time, so it is important to keep talking. The examiner will then ask you one or two questions on the same topic.
Part 3 Two-way discussion4-5 minutesThe examiner will ask you further questions which are connected to the topic of Part 2. These questions are designed to give you an opportunity to discuss more abstract issues and ideas.

sample report


  • 1 x 30 minute session
  • 1-on-1 Interview with An Experienced Examiner
  • Evaluated based on Actual IELTS Criteria
  • Flexible Time