
Speaking Practice Test 2


Do you have many friends? [Why/Why not?] 00:00
How often do you go out with friends? [Why/Why not?] 00:25
Tell me about your best friend at school. 00:46
How friendly are you with your neighbours? [Why/Why not?] 01:13
Which is more important to you, friends or family? [Why?] 01:39
Describe a quiet place you like. 00:00

You should say:

  • where it is
  • how often you go there
  • what you do there
  • why you like this place
Are there many quiet places in your city? 00:00
Why do people sometimes prefer to be alone? 00:29
Is there much noise around your home? 01:22
Does this noise affect you in any way? 01:53
How do you think noise in cities could be reduced? 02:25
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