IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 2

IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 2

(2,417 votes)
  • Published on: 05 Dec 2017
  • Tests taken: 1,648,570

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Anthony
  • 2 1(st) June
  • 3 University Hall
  • 4 Health for Life
  • 5 September 2006
  • 6 (in the) distance
  • 7 (for) driving
  • 8 (the) full frame
  • 9 (they are) strong
  • 10 (in/by) cash
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 C
  • 12 A
  • 13 (The) Main Gateway
  • 14 (the) (16/sixteen) flower beds
  • 15 (a/the) (raised) pond
  • 16 (a/the) Mosque
  • 17 C
  • 18 river
  • 19 (supply) tanks
  • 20 fountains
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 B
  • 22 C
  • 23 A
  • 24 B
  • 25 B
  • 26 C
  • 27 B
  • 28 A
  • 29 C
  • 30 A
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 rules
  • 32 speed
  • 33 conversation
  • 34 grandmother
  • 35 us and we
  • 36 repeat
  • 37 space (out)
  • 38 football pitch
  • 39 first sentence
  • 40 reading (it) aloud


Alina Diusheeva 9.015:59
Cuong Dang 9.016:03
4 Tony Nguyen 9.016:03
5 Janrey Cebrecus 9.016:12
6 Andrey Pinevich 9.016:17
7 Lusine Aproyan 9.016:23
8 Shabnam Huseynova 9.016:23
9 bilguun sergelen 9.016:38
10 cẩm thụ dương 9.016:48

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the form below.



Time of appointment:   10:00 am

Given names:               Simon 1

Family name:                Lee

Date of birth:                 2 1989

Address:                        3 Adams Terrace, Wellington

Phone number:              0211558809

Name of insurance company:   4

Date of last eye test:     5

Patient’s observations:  Problems seeing 6

  • 1 Answer: Anthony

    Firstly, you should pay attention throughout this section that you can only use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER

    • The keyword concerned in Q1 must be “name”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a series of letters.

    • At first, the optometrist asks “Are you Simon Lee?” which might cause us think “LEE” is the answer. However, this kind of question is usually answered with spelling that you can write down letter by letter. Therefore, the answer should be in the following line where he spells his name. Moreover, the information about his family name “Lee” is written down on the paper.

    • Simon spells his name A-N-T-H-O-N-Y. Therefore, the answer for Q1 must be “Antony.

  • 2 Answer: 1(st) June
    • The keyword concerned in Q2 must be “date of birth”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a number/ordinal number and month.

    • After the optometrist asks about his date of birth, Simon replies “The 1st of June, 1989”, then the optometrist says “The 21st of June”. However, Simon confirms the correct date is “The first of June”

    • Therefore, the answer for Q2 must be “1(st) June” or “1(st) of June

  • 3 Answer: University Hall
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 must be an “address”, it could be a specific place or full information of the address.

    • Simon first replies that he lives at a hall of residence, then he adds more detailed information that it is University Hall which is in Adams terrace

    • The answer for Q3 must be “University Hall”.

  • 4 Answer: Health for Life
    • The keyword concerned in Q4 must be “insurance”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a name.

    • As Simon tells “I’m with Health of Life”, the optometrist responds with a different information which might make you confused “Healthy Life”. Right after that, Simon corrects “No, (...) It’s Health of Life”.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q4 must be “Health of Life”.

  • 5 Answer: September 2006
    • The keyword concerned in Q5 must be “date”,

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a point of time when he had his eyes tested.

    • At first, Simon gives the information “September 2007”, but he quickly corrects “No, (...), September 2006

    • Therefore, the answer for Q5 must be “September 2006”.

  • 6 Answer: (in the) distance
    • The keywords concerned in Q6 must be “observation” and “seeing”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be information that describes his problem with seeing

    • Simon tells that he is having difficulty with distance vision (vision = observation) “I can’t always see things in the distance

    • Therefore, the answer for Q6 must be “in the distance”.

Questions 7-10

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

When must Simon wear his glasses?


What type of glasses are the least expensive?


What is good about the glasses Simon chooses?


How does Simon decide to pay?


  • 7 Answer: (for) driving
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 must be “when”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a point of time or something describes an activity when Simon must wear glasses.

    • Therefore, the answer for Q7 must be “(for) driving”.

  • 8 Answer: (the) full frame
    • The keywords concerned in Q8 must be “glasses”, “least expensive”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a type of glasses. You should also pay attention to information relating to the cost or price.

    • At first, Simon prefers frameless glasses, but the optometrist offers that  the frameless ones are the most expensive, the cheapest are the ones with the full frame

    • Therefore, the answer for Q8 must be “(the) full frame”.

  • 9 Answer: (they are) strong
    • The keywords concerned in Q9 must be “good” and “glasses

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a short description of the glasses Simon chooses.

    • The optometrist suggests Simon the half frame, then she says “They look quite nice and they’re strong far less likely to break than the frameless ones” and Simon confirms “that’s a good point. OK, I think I’ll take those ones”.

    • Although she mentions that this kind of glasses is “quite nice” and “strong”, the more suitable answer for this question is “strong” because the fact that they are strong was clearly stated and emphasised in comparison to the other ones. Therefore, the answer for Q1 must be “(they are) strong”.

  • 10 Answer: (in/by) cash
    • The keyword concerned in Q10 must be “pay”.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a method of payment (a way to pay for his glasses).

    • At first, Simon suggest paying by credit card, but the optometrist informs that there will be a slight charge. The, he decides “I’ll pay by cash then”

    • Therefore, the answer for Q10 must be “ (in/by) cash”.


    • After that, the optometrist lists other ways to pay (Cash, credit card, debit card) but these are only available methods that she accepts, the one Simon chooses is “by cash

    • You can write down on the answer sheet either cash, by cash or in cash. Those are the same and correct.

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You will hear a conversation between an optometrist and a patient who has come for an eye test.

Optometrist: Good morning, can I help you?

Simon Lee: Yes. I’m here for an appointment  at ten o’clock with the optometrist . I’m a little early. I know it’s only ten to ten.

Optometrist: Are you Simon Lee?

Simon Lee: Yes, I am.

Optometrist: I’m Rachel White, the optometrist here today. Come in and take a seat.

Simon Lee: Thanks.

Optometrist: Before we test your eyes, I just need to get a few details from you. So, Simon, what’s your full name?

Simon Lee: Simon Anthony  — that’s A-N-T-H-O-N• Y. And my family name is Lee: L double E.

Optometrist: And your date of birth, Simon?

Simon Lee: The 1st of June, 1989.

Optometrist: The 21st of June.

Simon Lee: No. The first of June.

Optometrist: Whoops… sony! 1989 – ah, same year my son was bom! What’s your current address?

Simon Lee: I’m living at a hall of residence  .

Optometrist: Which one?

Simon Lee: At University Hall, not far from here, in Adams terrace  .

Optometrist: University Hall… And do you have any medical insurance ?

Simon Lee: Yes, I’m fully covered

Optometrist: And who are you insured with?

Simon Lee: I’m with ’Health for life’.

Optometrist: Healthy Life.

Simon Lee: No. People always get that wrong. It’s Health for Life. They’re part of some big insurance company .

Optometrist: Good! Now, Simon. Have you ever had your eyes tested before?

Simon Lee: Yes, once. But not recently. It was when I was still at school.

Optometrist: So roughly when would that have been?

Simon Lee: Probably around September 2007. No, on second thoughts, it must’ve been the year before – September 2006. And my eyesight  was fine then.

Optometrist: But you’re having a little difficulty now, are you?

Simon Lee: Well, yes … since I started at university, I’ve been having difficulty with distance  vision. I can’t always see things in the distance.

Optometrist: Well, let’s have a look. Now I’m just going to cover your left eye. Can you read the top line?

Simon Lee: Yes. R… B… Q… S…

Optometrist: Well, Simon. Your eyes have obviously  got a little worse since your last test and I think you’re going to need to wear glasses  … er… not all the time and … not so much for reading or close work but definitely for driving.

Simon Lee: Right. Yes. I thought that was probably the case.

Optometrist: So now you need to choose some frames. There’s a wide range to choose from, as you can see.

Simon Lee: Can you give me some idea of the difference in cost? I quite liked the idea of some frameless glasses.

Optometrist: Mm… Did you? Well, the prices vary enormously , like everything, but the frameless ones are the most expensive. The cheapest are the ones with the full frame.

Simon Lee: Mm, perhaps  I’d better go for those.

Optometrist: Or why not try these ones with the half frame?

Simon Lee: They’re not too bad.

Optometrist: Yes. They look quite nice and they’re strong far less likely to break than the frameless ones.

Simon Lee: Oh, that’s a good point. OK, I think I’ll take those ones.

Optometrist: If you pop back next Monday, I should have them ready for you. And you can pay for them when you pick them up.

Simon Lee: Thanks very much. Can I pay by credit card?

Optometrist: You can, but there will be a slight charge if you do that.

Simon Lee: Right. I’ll pay by cash then, if you don’t mind.

Optometrist: No problem. Cash, credit card, debit card. All the same to us. See you on Monday.

