IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 6

IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 6

(7,053 votes)
  • Published on: 15 Nov 2018
  • Tests taken: 2,559,542

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 quiet 
  • 2 impolite 
  • 3 rarely 
  • 4 smoke 
  • 5 promptly 
  • 6 co-operate 
  • 7 attend meeting 
  • 8 follow rules 
  • 9 strictly forbidden 
  • 10 be done 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 quiet 
  • 2 impolite 
  • 3 rarely 
  • 4 smoke 
  • 5 promptly 
  • 6 co-operate 
  • 7 attend meeting 
  • 8 follow rules 
  • 9 strictly forbidden 
  • 10 be done 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 steps 
  • 12 danger 
  • 13 respond 
  • 14 unconscious 
  • 15 blockages 
  • 16 irregular 
  • 17 medics 
  • 18 20 C,D,F 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 steps 
  • 12 danger 
  • 13 respond 
  • 14 unconscious 
  • 15 blockages 
  • 16 irregular 
  • 17 medics 
  • 18 20 C,D,F 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26 ensure 
  • 27 deposited 
  • 28 display 
  • 29 distribute 
  • 30 reward 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26 ensure 
  • 27 deposited 
  • 28 display 
  • 29 distribute 
  • 30 reward 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 effectiveness 
  • 35 (a) liquid 
  • 36 pipework 
  • 37 a quarter 
  • 38 suffocation 
  • 39 double 
  • 40 heavy metals 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34 effectiveness 
  • 35 (a) liquid 
  • 36 pipework 
  • 37 a quarter 
  • 38 suffocation 
  • 39 double 
  • 40 heavy metals 


NA HE 9.015:41
Vũ Huy 9.015:45
rayhan talukdar 9.015:46
5 Prathamesh Sonawane 9.015:54
6 Gabriella Pearl 9.016:05
7 Nguyên Thành 9.016:20
8 soa nguyen thi 9.016:22
9 Rucha Mulay 9.016:37
10 Neily Fatimah 9.016:42

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-6

Complete the table.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Name of new tenant: Anders (EXAMPLE)


Good Points About Him

Bad Points About Him

BehaviourHe is 1 He is 2
His FriendsHis friends visit 3 They 4
OtherHe pays rent 5 He doesn’t 6
  • 1 Answer: quiet
    • The keywords concerned in Q1 are “good” and “behaviour”.

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be an adjective about good behaviour.

    • Tom talks about his concern about Anders’ behaviour and Richard says that Anders has a good point being quiet. So the answer must be quiet.

  • 2 Answer: impolite
    • The keywords concerned in Q2 are “bad” and “behaviour”.

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be an adjective about bad behaviour.

    • Tom compares Anders to their last flatmate and points out that Anders is very impolite. So the answer must be impolite.

  • 3 Answer: rarely
    • The keywords concerned in Q3 are “good point” and “friends”.

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be an adverb about the frequency of his friend visit.

    • Tom mentions Anders’ friends and Richard says that he rarely sees them. So the answer must be rarely.

  • 4 Answer: smoke
    • The keywords concerned in Q4 are “bad“ and “friends”.

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be a verb.

    • Tom says Anders’ friends smoke and make the house stink and smoking is also prohibited, so it’s a bad thing about his friend. So the answer must be smoke.

  • 5 Answer: promptly
    • The keywords concerned in Q5 are “good”, “pay” and ”rent”.

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be an adverb.

    • Richard mentions that their last flatmate always paid the rent late and Tom says Anders pay promptly, that’s a good point. So the answer must be  promptly.

  • 6 Answer: co-operate
    • The keyword concerned in Q6 is “bad” .

    • From the question, we can presume that the answer must be a verb.

    • Tom says a good tenant need to cooperate with others and Anders fails at it, so it’s a bad point of him. So the answer must be cooperate.

Questions 7-10

Complete the notes.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Issues to Discuss

Communication: 7

Friends: 8

Cigarettes: 9

Cleaning: must 10

  • 7 Answer: attend meeting
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 is “‘Communication’” .

    • Richard suggests to make a list of issues to discuss with Anders, and Tom writes ‘Communication’, then Richard writes ‘attend meeting’, Tom agree. So the answer must be attend meeting.

  • 8 Answer: follow rules
    • The keyword concerned in Q8 is “Friends” .

    • Tom writes ‘Friend’ and stress that they are not allowed to smoke, then Richard suggest that it should be ‘follow rules’, Tom agree. So the answer must be follow rules

  • 9 Answer: strictly forbidden
    • The keyword concerned in Q9 is “Cigarettes” .

    • Tom say that cigarettes must be ‘strictly forbidden, then Richard agree. So the answer must be strictly forbidden.

  • 10 Answer: be done
    • The keyword concerned in Q10 is “Cleaning”.

    • Richard mentions the cleaning duties, Tom writes ‘must be better’ but Richard suggests ‘must be done’ and Tom agree. So the answer must be must be done.

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You will hear two flatmates, Tom and Richard, talking about their new flatmate, who has just moved in the week before.

Tom: Hi, Richard. I’m glad I caught you here. Can I just talk to you about something? Our new flatmate—Anders — is not quite what I had hoped. I was wondering if you shared my concerns about some of his behaviour.

Richard: Ah, yes, Tom, I know what you mean, but we can’t be entirely negative. He has good points. I mean, at least he’s quiet. He doesn’t play loud music all night, or bother others, or turn his TV up, disturbing everyone.

Tom: Sure, he’s quiet, but remember our last flatmate? He’d say ‘hi’ to you, and smile, and treat everyone politely. In comparison, this new guy is very impolite. He just grunts in reply, and sometimes ignores me altogether.

Richard: I guess that’s just his way—y’know, just his character. I don’t think he realises he’s being impolite, and it shouldn’t matter to us too much. We can just ignore him, too, and quietly live our own lives.

Tom: But his friends are hard to ignore, when they visit.

Richard: I know what you mean, but how often does that happen? I rarely see them — maybe once or twice a month. If they came moreoften, it might be a problem, but as it is, such rare visits don’t matter so much. Wouldn’t you say so?

Tom: Well, I’m not sure, since it’s very obvious when they’re here because of all the cigarette smoke in the house. It stinks up the place, and you know we don’t allow smoking on the premises.

Richard: Well, I’ve never seen them doing this. Maybe they do it outside. Perhaps we can talk to Anders about it. Always remember, though, in one respect, he’s a good tenant. And it’s the most important aspect. The previous flatmate would always pay the rent late.

Tom: I know what you’re going to say. This guy pays promptly. But there’s more to being a good tenant than prompt payment. I mean, you need to turn off the TV, clean up your dishes, dress respectably, be polite, and so on. I guess what I’m saying is that, basically, you need to co-operate with the others, and this new guy fails significantly in this respect.

Richard: Okay, I suppose you have a point there.

Richard: I tell you what, Tom, why don’t we talk to our new flatmate, Anders, about these issues? If we throw him out, we’ll have to go to all the trouble of finding another flatmate, who might not necessarily be much better. So, let’s give the current guy a chance. Here. I’ve got a piece of paper, so let’s make a short list of issues to discuss with him. Get it out into the open.

Tom: Sure. We’ll give him one more chance. So, write, ‘Communication’, and let’s tell him to ...

Richard: Well, we can’t change a person’s personality overnight, so why don’t we have a weekly tenants’ meeting, and we can just ask him to attend? That way we can get to know him better. I’ll write ‘attend meeting’, and we can take it from there.

Tom: Okay, but we have to tell him about his friends. They can’t just do whatever they want. Write a heading ‘friends’ and then write ‘don’t smoke, anywhere, inside or outside’.

Richard: Well, instead of being so direct, and possibly causing offense, I’ll just write, ‘follow rules’, and verbally mention the rules: TV off by 10 pm, no loud music, or bad behaviour, including smoking.

Tom: Okay, do that, but I still think we need to specifically mention that last issue. You know how I can’t stand the habit, so I’d like this to be another and separate point. Cigarettes! Strictly forbidden! And it’s important to include the ‘strictly’ here. We can’t pussyfoot around too much. Sometimes directness is necessary.

Richard: Okay, I’ll write that... ‘for-bidd-en’ ... Okay. And what about cleaning duties? Anders is a little too relaxed about that. Dishes are sometimes not washed, dirty tea cups are left around the place, and so on.

Tom: So, write ‘must do better!’

Richard: Yeahhhh, again Tom, he might take that personally, and it could cause a scene. I’d rather be general. I’ll write ‘must be done’ and I’ll tell him that that’s for everyone, not just him. Okay?

Tom: Okay. As long as he gets the message.


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In the contemporary era, there is a heated arguments about drugs. Nowadays, sophisticated people use drug in partys, but youth generation is grudually draged towards all types of drugs like legal and illegal. Some sociologists blamed that parents and superior of society are responsible for bad habit in youngers. In my discussion ahead, I will examine the causes of this trend and consequences for the same.

Firstly, there are plethora of reason for this problem. But the prominent one is depression. Nowadays, cut-throat competition is increasing day by day. Parents force their child to take participate as well as hold up higer position in any competition. Due to this, they feel pressure on their head. And they cannot tolerate it, so younger attack to take drugs to forget some pressure. For example , as per articles of famous magazine in USA, approximately 75% of youth take both legal and illegal drugs to come out from pressure. Hence this is reasons responsible to disturb future generations.

The possible effects of this problem is that they spoil their futures. Young generations is future of countries. However, they trapped into circle of drugs. In addition to this, they could not achieve their dream. Also few younger face several serious health issue like cancer. Finally they commit suicide and finish their life. For example, drugist person face cancer disease. Hence the consequence of drugist is very bad.

Government and parents play vital role to come out youngerst from trap of drug. Parents give support to their childern in any circumstances as well as encouragement. Superior of country organise few seminar for awareness of the drugs.

To recapitulate, due to drugs , younger could not achive their goal and they face few serious health issue. However parents and government make contributions to support youth and draw their concentration about awareness.


The chart represent details of incidents and injuries for 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by use of transport system in 2002. There are myriad of transport system like commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail, bus and demand response. Overall, number of incidents and injuries are increasing in above mentioned all the reasons.

It is crystal clear that in case of commuter rail, count of incidents is around 20 million PMT and then injuries is lower than of incidents. In addition to that 50 million PMT use heavy rail transport and approx 40 million passengers face injuries. In the transport system of light rail and bus, there are same number of passengers use transport as above 50 million, but people got injured as around 40 million in light rail system and above 50 million in bus.

Having a keen look at the chart, in case of demand response system, there are drastically increased in both case of incidents as well as injuries like 250 million as per incidents and above 150 million according to injuries.

Summarizing all the given information. number of incidents is more than count of injuries.


The given bar chart shows information about the amount of both (incidents and injuries) every 100 million passenger miles traveled (PMT) by transportation. By five different forms of transportation type Heavy rail, Light rail, bus, and demand. In the year 2009.

Overview, at first glance, it is strikingly evident that
the highest proportion of incidents and injuries was the bus, while the car was the lowest.
Looking at the details, the number of light rails was the lowest in the chart by only(25) for incidents and(20) injuries, and in terms of the Heavy rail, it is twice as much as the light rail (50)(and 55) respectively.

On the other hand, the number of incidents in both bus and the car is the same nearly (55) for both of them, however, in terms of injuries, there was a slight growth (25)for the car and(50) for the bus. Then the incidents and injuries reach the highest point in the bus by(250) and(50).


In today's world youth are facing many difficulties such as depression,tension and anxiety but above all there is a serious problem that young generation is facing in recent times that is consumption of drugs.In this essay, we will discuss due to what factors youngsters start doing illegal drugs and what are the ways through which we can counter this serious issue.

As our society is progressing with time, there are certain things which we tend to ignore or take lightly one of them is the rising culture of consumption of drugs.Now a days kids think that doing this unjustified act is a very cool culture and they feel proud while doing it .There is a possibility that they have adopted this bad habbit from current movies ,where lead actor is smoking or consuming alchahol people get inspired from this type of scenes scenes and think they are looking cool like them while doing this.

On the other side they don't understand the consequences of doing this ,not only they are damaging their health continously but destroying their future at the same time.Unfortunately rehab centres are filled with mostly youngsters having drugs problem.There has been a survey that almost 50% of men living in North America and Asia are consuming weed.Governments are trying to ban these but still somehow they enter our societies.Establishments should create some healthy activities in schools and colleges so men and women take interest.

Overall, i think issue can can not taken lightly, as i have lost my friend due to this .He was a good  but his bad company forced him to do this ,now he is not with me.  .Parents should check their children routine and  do not let their children go outside on nights.These actions must be taken to save our
teenage generation.

plz give feed back


nowadays, the usage of drugs is spread amongst the youth and that is caused by many reasons, one of which people say is the environment the teenager is surrounded by, and I completely agree with them, the surroundings are the biggest reason.

As far as I'm concerned, drugs consumption these days is spread especially amongst young people, and that is due to many factors, First, If a kid saw their parent doing any kind of drugs, whether cigars, vapes, meth, etc.., the kid would be inspired by his parent and will think that it's ok to do such things. another cause is ''legal drugs'', vapes stores are now everywhere, and anyone could go there and buy one, society doesn't realize that vapes are as bad as cigars, flavours in vapes made them even more addictive, unlike cigars which don't taste as good, vape stores offer many flavors like blueberry, orange, coca cola, etc..., with these flavors they would tease people to buy and vape more.

Furthermore, with new laws and regulations, the government could reduce this trend by a lot, increasing prices would help but won't abolish this problem, For example, in many countries governments increased the prices of energy drinks rapidly up to 300%, when they aren't even close to the harm that drugs cause, secondly, educate kids more about the consequences of drugs, because many parents don't have a single idea if their kid is using drugs or not.

In the conclusion, as we see in these days, the consumption of drugs is popular among the youth and we should make a change, we could even ban these drugs permanently.

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