
Speaking Practice Test 2


Are you a student or do you work now? 00:00
Why did you choose this course/job? 00:08
Talk about your daily routine 00:28
Is there anything about your course/job you would like to change? 01:08
I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about shopping. 01:29
Who does most of the shopping in your household? 01:31
What type of shopping do you like? (Why?) 01:38
Is shopping a popular activity in your country? (Why/why not?) 01:56
What type of shops do teenagers like best in your country? 02:35
Let’s talk about films. How often do you go to the cinema? 03:11
What type of films do you like best? (Why?) 03:25
What type of films don’t you like? (Why not?) 03:56
Describe an important event in your life. 00:00

You should say:

  • When it happened
  • Who you were with
  • What happened

And explain why you feel it was important.

What days are important in your country? 00:00
Why it is important to have national celebrations? 00:28
How is the way your national celebrations are celebrated now different from the way they were celebrated in the past? 01:00
Do you think any new national celebrations will come into being in the future? 01:41
Are there any celebrations from other countries that you celebrate in your country? 02:55
What are the benefits of having events that many people around the world are celebrating on the same day? 03:20
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