IELTS Mock Test 2024 August

IELTS Mock Test 2024 August

(220 votes)
  • Published on: 05 Jul 2024
  • Tests taken: 100,324

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 13
  • 1 viii 
  • 2 ii 
  • 3 iv 
  • 4 iii 
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 NO 
  • 8 YES 
  • 9 YES 
  • 10 NOT GIVEN 
  • 11 NO 
  • 12 YES 
  • 13 YES 
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 13
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 1 viii 
  • 2 ii 
  • 3 iv 
  • 4 iii 
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 NO 
  • 8 YES 
  • 9 YES 
  • 10 NOT GIVEN 
  • 11 NO 
  • 12 YES 
  • 13 YES 
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
  • 14 plant 
  • 15 poisons 
  • 16 eats 
  • 17 disappears 
  • 18 pollution 
  • 19 large numbers of 
  • 20 new 
  • 21 ships 
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 14 - 26
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 14 plant 
  • 15 poisons 
  • 16 eats 
  • 17 disappears 
  • 18 pollution 
  • 19 large numbers of 
  • 20 new 
  • 21 ships 
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32 A/B 
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35 NO 
  • 36 YES 
  • 37 NOT GIVEN 
  • 38 YES 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 27 - 40
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32 A/B 
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35 NO 
  • 36 YES 
  • 37 NOT GIVEN 
  • 38 YES 
  • 39 NOT GIVEN 
  • 40
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(2 votes)
19 Oct 2023

Review & Explanations:

Part 1: Questions 1-13

Questions 1-4

Questions 5-6

Choose the correct letter A-D.


Which is NOT given as a reason for interest in exploring Lake Vostok?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage


Which is NOT given as a reason for interest in exploring Lake Vostok?

A. to test technology for space exploration

B. to develop anti-pollution devices

C. to investigate the history of Earth’s climate

D. to look for living organisms

B. By looking at the ratio of different oxygen isotopes, scientists should be able to trace how Earth’s temperature changed over the millennia. .... Vostok would be an ideal testing ground for technology that would eventually fly to Europa or places even more distant, say many scientists.

E. The results of this analysis may indirectly indicate whether anything survives in the lightless body of water


- The information relating to scientific interest in exploring Lake Vostok is located in paragraph B and E.

- Option A is mentioned. The phrase to test technology for space exploration is the same as the phrase an ideal testing ground for technology.

- Option C is mentioned. The verb “to investigate” means “to trace” while the history of Earth’s climate is how Earth’s temperature changed over the millenia.

- Option D is also mentioned. In paragraph D, recent reports are made to know whether organisms survive in this lake, which is also the reason for interest in exploring Lake Vostok

- There is no information relating option B at all, therefore, the answer for Q5 is B.


Lake Vostok does not freeze because ...

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: A

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage


Lake Vostok does not freeze because ...

A. a thick ice cover provides insulation.

B. it is waned by heat from the earth’s surface.

C. low pressure prevents freezing.

D. an underwater volcano erupted recently.

It’s the thick ice, strangely, that enables a lake to survive in such a frozen environment. The 4 kilometers of ice acts effectively as an insulating blanket protecting the bedrock underneath the ice from the cold temperatures above. Geothermal heat coming from the planet’s interior keeps the lake from freezing and warms the lowest layers of ice. Beneath 4 km of glacier, the pressure is intense enough to melt ice at a temperature of -4°C. These factors have helped lakes develop across much of the thickly blanketed East Antarctica.


- Option B is wrong. It is because the heat coming from the interior keeps the lake from freezing but not the one from the surface.

- Option C is wrong because intense pressure but not low pressure helps melt the ice.

- Option D is not mentioned at all.

- For that reason, after comparing all the keywords, we can assume that the answer for Q6 is A.

Questions 7-13

Reading Passage 1

You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on this passage.

Lake Vostok


Beneath the white blanket of Antarctica lies half a continent of virtually uncharted territory - an area so completely hidden that scientists have little clue what riches await discovery. Recently, Russian and British glaciologists identified an immense lake - one of Earth’s largest and deepest - buried beneath 4,000 meters of ice immediately below Russia’s Vostok Station.


As details have emerged, a growing number of scientists are showing interest, with dozens of investigators keen to explore the feature, known as Lake Vostok. A thick layer of sediment at the bottom of the lake could hold novel dues to the planet’s climate going back tens of millions of years. By looking at the ratio of different oxygen isotopes, scientists should be able to trace how Earth’s temperature changed over the millennia. NASA has expressed interest in Lake Vostok because of its similarity to Europa. This moon of Jupiter appears to have a water ocean covered by a thick ice sheet, measuring perhaps tens of kilometers in depth. If hydrothermal vents existed beneath the ice, chemical reactions on Europa could have created the molecular building blocks for life, if not life itself. Vostok would be an ideal testing ground for technology that would eventually fly to Europa or places even more distant, say many scientists. Though cheap compared with a Europan mission, any expedition to Vostok would represent a significant investment.


Vostok Station holds the uncomfortable distinction of having recorded the coldest temperature on Earth. Thermometers there measured in July 1983, and the average temperature hovers around -55°C. It’s the thick ice, strangely, that enables a lake to survive in such a frozen environment. The 4 kilometers of ice acts effectively as an insulating blanket protecting the bedrock underneath the ice from the cold temperatures above. Geothermal heat coming from the planet’s interior keeps the lake from freezing and warms the lowest layers of ice. The tremendous weight of the ice sheet also plays a role in maintaining the lake. Beneath 4 kilometers of glacier, the pressure is intense enough to melt ice at a temperature of -4°C. These factors have helped lakes develop across much of the thickly blanketed East Antarctica. More than 70 hidden lakes have been detected in the small portion of the continent to date. Lake Vostok is the largest of these, stretching 280km from south to north and some 60km from east to west. At Vostok station, which sits at the southern end of the lake, the water depth appears to be 500m according to seismic experiments carried out by Russian researchers.


The first clues to Lake Vostok’s existence came in the 1970s, when British, U.S., and Danish researchers collected radar observations by flying over this region. The radar penetrates the ice and bounces off whatever sits below. When researchers found a surface as flat as a mirror, they surmised that a lake must exist underneath the ice. An airborne survey of the lake is being undertaken, the first step toward eventually drilling into the water. Along with the potential rewards come a host of challenges. Researchers must find a way to penetrate the icy covering without introducing any microorganisms or pollutants into the sealed-off water.


What about life in the depths? If tiny microbes do populate the lake, they may be some of the hungriest organisms ever discovered. Lake Vostok has the potential to be one of the most energy-limited, or oligotrophic, environments on the planet. For the lake’s residents, the only nutrients would come from below. Russian investigators have speculated that the lake floor may have hot springs spewing out hydrothermal fluids stocked with reduced metals and other sorts of chemical nutrients. Scant geological evidence available for this region, however, indicates that the crust is old and dead. Without a stream of nutrients seeping up from the deep Earth, the only potential source of energy lies above the lake. The ice sheet above the water is creeping from west to east at a rate of roughly four meters per year. The lowermost layers of ice melt when they come in contact with the lake, liberating trapped gases and bits of crushed-up rock. If the glacier recently passed over rock before reaching the lake, it could be supplying organic compounds useful to microorganisms. It also could be seeding the lake with a continuous source of new residents. Bacteria, yeasts, fungi, algae and even pollen grains have been found in the Vostok ice core samples taken down to depths of 2,750m - three quarters of the way to the bottom. At least some of these organisms are alive and capable of growing, according to recent reports. The results of this analysis may indirectly indicate whether anything survives in the lightless body of water.


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It's very helpful explanation. It makes me know how to differentiate subordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs.

Muhammad Razzaq

Very good explanation!
