
IELTS Mock Test 2023 April Speaking Practice Test 2

Question list

  • What subjects are you studying?

  • Do you like your subject?

  • Why did you choose to study that subject?

  • Is it very interesting?

  • Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

  • Are you looking forward to working?

  • What technology do you often use, computers of cellphones?

  • What electronic devices have you bought lately?

  • Is there any technology you want to buy?

  • Is technology important in you life?

  • Is there any technology you don't like?

  • What do you think are the trends in technology today compared to when you were young?

  • Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again

    You should say:

    • What type of movie it was
    • What it was about
    • Where you watched it

    And explain why you would like to watch it again

  • Where do people normally watch movies?

  • What are the differences between watching movies at home and in a cinema?

  • Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why?

  • Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies nowadays?

  • What makes a movie a blockbuster?

  • Why do people of different ages like different types of movies?

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