
IELTS Mock Test 2022 December Speaking Practice Test 3

Question list

  • Do you live in a house or a flat?

  • Can you describe the place where you live?

  • How long have you lived there?

  • Please describe the room you live in.

  • Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?

  • Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?

  • Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?

  • Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?

  • Where is your favourite place to sit?

  • Do you always sit down for a long time?

  • Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?

  • When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?

  • Describe a time when you helped a child

    You should say

    • When it was
    • How you helped him/her
    • Why you helped him/her

    And how you felt about it


  • Do you often help kids? How?

  • Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?

  • What can schools do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?

  • Who benefits more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people helped?

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