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因此,现在让我们尝试解决雅思口语第 3 部分中提出的一些最新问题,让您了解您应该给出什么样的回答才能获得至少 7 分及以上。


What do you think are the impacts of tourism in your country?

I believe tourism has a huge impact in contributing towards the GDP of our country. When foreign tourists visit India, they bring foreign currency with them that adds value in the economy. Also, local residents of the tourist place get employment opportunities such as working as tourist guides to them or become sellers to them.

Do you think there are also negative impacts of tourism?

Yes, of course. There are various negative consequences of tourism that can negatively affect the local people staying in that place. If the foreign tourists do not take care of the historical places well, it would cause damage to these historical buildings and thereby, the loss of culture and heritage. Secondly, huge crowd of tourists can also affect the city, causing inconvenience to a number of local residents.

What kinds of tourists are likely to visit your country in the future?

I think it depends upon the way marketing strategies of our historical places are implemented. But considering the likelyhood, youngsters from foreign countries such as the UK, the USA and other such countries are also likely to visit India for gaining excellence in educational opportunities in the universities that can offer courses for students outside India.
Below are the useful words or phrases that you can use for the above IELTS speaking type of questions:

Useful Vocabulary:

  • I believe/I think/I agree/I don’t agree/I feel
  • Yes, of course/Yes, definitely/Yes, surely
  • Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/Lastly/Finally
  • Contributing
  • Inconvenience
  • Implemented
  • Considering
  • Local residents
  • Negative consequences
  • Negatively affect
  • Employment opportunities
  • Educational opportunities
  • Historical places
  • Marketing strategies
  • Gaining excellence





因此,现在让我们尝试解决雅思口语第 3 部分中提出的一些最新问题,让您了解您应该给出什么样的回答才能获得至少 7 分及以上。


What do you think are the impacts of tourism in your country?

I believe tourism has a huge impact in contributing towards the GDP of our country. When foreign tourists visit India, they bring foreign currency with them that adds value in the economy. Also, local residents of the tourist place get employment opportunities such as working as tourist guides to them or become sellers to them.

Do you think there are also negative impacts of tourism?

Yes, of course. There are various negative consequences of tourism that can negatively affect the local people staying in that place. If the foreign tourists do not take care of the historical places well, it would cause damage to these historical buildings and thereby, the loss of culture and heritage. Secondly, huge crowd of tourists can also affect the city, causing inconvenience to a number of local residents.

What kinds of tourists are likely to visit your country in the future?

I think it depends upon the way marketing strategies of our historical places are implemented. But considering the likelyhood, youngsters from foreign countries such as the UK, the USA and other such countries are also likely to visit India for gaining excellence in educational opportunities in the universities that can offer courses for students outside India.
Below are the useful words or phrases that you can use for the above IELTS speaking type of questions:

Useful Vocabulary:

  • I believe/I think/I agree/I don’t agree/I feel
  • Yes, of course/Yes, definitely/Yes, surely
  • Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/Lastly/Finally
  • Contributing
  • Inconvenience
  • Implemented
  • Considering
  • Local residents
  • Negative consequences
  • Negatively affect
  • Employment opportunities
  • Educational opportunities
  • Historical places
  • Marketing strategies
  • Gaining excellence


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