2023年雅思口语5-8月份题库-Do you think what you are studying now will be helpful in your future job?
以下是针对"Do you think what you are studying now will be helpful in your future job?"这一雅思口语Part1题目的表达思路、范文以及高级表达:
1. 表达思路:
2. 范文:
Yes, I do believe that my current studies will be beneficial in my future career. I am majoring in computer science and learning a variety of programming languages, such as Java and Python, which are heavily used in the tech industry. By acquiring these skills, I am confident that I can work as a software engineer, which is my desired career path.
Furthermore, my coursework also includes courses in project management and team dynamics, two crucial aspects of working in technology teams. These skills are essential for effective collaboration and developing successful software products.
In addition to academic learning, I am also pursuing internships and other extracurricular activities to gain practical experience. I have done an internship with a software development firm and actively participate in hackathons and coding competitions. By doing so, I am gaining real-world exposure to the kind of work that I want to pursue in the future and building my professional network.
3. 高级表达:
- The relevance of my current studies to my future career is evident in the fact that I am acquiring valuable knowledge and skills that will make me competitive in the job market. Studying computer science, for example, equips me with technical skills that are highly in demand in the tech industry. Additionally, the curriculum also includes courses that prepare me for professional development and leadership in the industry.
- It is important to establish a connection between theoretical learning and workplace requirements to ensure that academic learning is relevant to future jobs. Practical application of knowledge and skills is an essential factor for employability.
- Networking and gaining practical experience are equally crucial in preparing for future careers. This can be achieved through internships, job shadowing, and mentorship programs. These opportunities provide opportunities for developing professional relationships and gaining industry insights.
People find many things attractive in modern era and are keen to achieve a good health and balanced life. Many people do mountain climbing and hang-gliding as to make their body active. I think these activities are completely fevourable for human body and a lot more of these should be done in order to lead healthy lifestyle. We will see the benefits in below paragraphs.
With growing use of technology more and more people are inclining towards being a couch potato and developing unhealthy lifestyle. These things have a huge impact on individuals life. If a person tries to do hand gliding or mountain gliding he/she can make their body function better. These activities will help in better circulation of blood and can help individual not gain weight and making them feel lighter. Extreme health diseases can be cured if a person does high intensity activities like mountain climbing. For example, a huge amount of fat from body can be reduced if hand-gliding is done because it sheds a lot of sweat.
These activities can give a sense of confidence to an individual and as a result he/she sees a stupendous growth in his/her career. They can achieve something from their skills and talent. The activities open many doors and make them stand out against normal people. They can take part in Olympics for instance. People can not only have a good body, but also may win many competitions. Risk taking capacity also increases if these extreme sports are performed and it can be implemented in day to day life. For instance, many people go to trecks and do extreme sports in a order to be 'fish out of water' and prepare themselves for competitions.
In a nutshell, extreme sports and activities help in achieving better lifestyle and health. Additionally, they can increase confidence and make these skills apply in many personal fields
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https://ieltsonlinetests.com/wot/result/writing-practice-test-1-618959 Can you take a look of my answers thankyou
could someone please review my test?
Hello! I am going to take my exam soon. Could you anyone evaluate my writing skills?
Thank you
can you all give me band score for my work.
can you all give me band score for my work.
Hello, please I will like someone to go over my writing test 1 and give me a feedback, thank you❤️