第1段 A critical ingredient in the success of hotels is developing and maintaining superior performance from their employees. How is that accomplished? What Human Resource Management (HRM) practices should organizations invest in to acquire and retain great employees? | 酒店的成功关键之一是培养和保持员工的卓越表现。如何实现这一目标?组织应该投资于哪些人力资源管理(HRM)实践来吸引和留住优秀员工呢? |
第2段 Some hotels aim to provide superior working conditions for their employees. The idea originated from workplaces – usually in the non-service sector — that emphasized fun and enjoyment as part of work-life balance. By contrast, the service sector, and more specifically hotels, has traditionally not extended these practices to address basic employee needs, such as good working conditions. | 有些酒店致力于为员工提供优越的工作条件。这个想法起源强调工作与生活平衡中的乐趣和享受的工作场所,通常是非服务行业的工作场。相比之下,服务行业,尤其是酒店业,传统上没有将这些实践扩展到满足员工基本需求,如良好的工作条件。 |
第3段 Pfeffer (1994) emphasizes that in order to succeed in a global business environment, organizations must make investment in Human Resource Management (HRM) to allow them to acquire employees who possess better skills and capabilities than their competitors. This investment will be to their competitive advantage. Despite this recognition of the importance of employee development, the hospitality industry has historically been dominated by underdeveloped HR practices (Lucas, 2002). | Pfeffer(1994)强调,为了在全球商业环境中取得成功,组织必须在人力资源管理(HRM)上进行投资,以获取比竞争对手更具有技能和能力的员工。这种投资将成为他们的竞争优势。尽管认识到员工发展的重要性,但酒店业的人力资源管理实践历来不发达(Lucas,2002)。 |
第4段 Lucas also points out that ‘the substance of HRM practices does not appear to be designed to foster constructive relations with employees or to represent a managerial approach that enables developing and drawing out the full potential of people, even though employees may be broadly satisfied with many aspects of their work’ (Lucas, 2002). In addition, or maybe as a result, high employee turnover has been a recurring problem throughout the hospitality industry. Among the many cited reasons are low compensation, inadequate benefits, poor working conditions and compromised employee morale and attitudes (Maroudas et al., 2008). | Lucas还指出,“人力资源管理实践的实质似乎并不旨在促进与员工的建设性关系,也不代表一种使发展和发挥员工全部潜力的管理方法,尽管员工对工作的许多方面可能感到满意”(Lucas,2002)。此外,或许正因为如此,高员工流动一直是酒店业中一直存在的问题。许多引用的原因包括低薪酬、不足的福利、糟糕的工作条件以及受损的员工士气和态度(Maroudas等,2008)。 |
第5段 Ng and Sorensen (2008) demonstrated that when managers provide recognition to employees, motivate employees to work together, and remove obstacles preventing effective performance, employees feel more obligated to stay with the company. This was succinctly summarized by Michel et al. (2013): ‘[P]roviding support to employees gives them the confidence to perform their jobs better and the motivation to stay with the organization.’ Hospitality organizations can therefore enhance employee motivation and retention through the development and improvement of their working conditions. These conditions are inherently linked to the working environment. | Ng和Sorensen(2008)证明,当经理给予员工认可、激励员工共同工作,并消除阻碍有效绩效的障碍时,员工会感到更有义务留在公司。这一点被Michel等人(2013)简洁地总结为:“[提供支持给员工]给予他们在工作上表现更好的信心,以及留在组织中的动力。”因此,酒店业可以通过发展和改善工作条件来提高员工的动力和留存率。这些条件与工作环境紧密相连。 |
第6段 While it seems likely that employees’ reactions to their job characteristics could be affected by a predisposition to view their work environment negatively, no evidence exists to support this hypothesis (Spector et al., 2000). However, given the opportunity, many people will find something to complain about in relation to their workplace (Poulston, 2009). There is a strong link between the perceptions of employees and particular factors of their work environment that are separate from the work itself, including company policies, salary and vacations. | 虽然员工对工作特征的反应可能会受到对工作环境持负面看法的影响,但没有证据支持这一假设(Spector等,2000)。然而,如果有机会,许多人会在工作环境方面找到抱怨的事情(Poulston,2009)。员工的感知与工作本身无关的工作环境因素(包括公司政策、薪酬和假期)之间存在着密切的联系。 |
第7段 Such conditions are particularly troubling for the luxury hotel market, where high-quality service, requiring a sophisticated approach to HRM, is recognized as a critical source of competitive advantage (Maroudas et al., 2008). In a real sense, the services of hotel employees represent their industry (Schneider and Bowen, 1993). This representation has commonly been limited to guest experiences. This suggests that there has been a dichotomy between the guest environment provided in luxury hotels and the working conditions of their employees. | 这些条件对奢侈酒店市场尤其令人担忧,高质量的服务被认为是竞争优势的关键来源(Maroudas等,2008)。在实质上,酒店员工的服务代表了他们所在的行业(Schneider和Bowen,1993)。这种代表通常仅限于客人经验。这表明豪华酒店提供客人环境与其员工的工作条件之间存在一种二元性。 |
第8段 It is therefore essential for hotel management to develop HRM practices that enable them to inspire and retain competent employees. This requires an understanding of what motivates employees at different levels of management and different stages of their careers (Enz and Siguaw, 2000). This implies that it is beneficial for hotel managers to understand what practices are most favorable to increase employee satisfaction and retention. | 因此,酒店管理必须制定能够激励和留住能干员工的人力资源管理(HRM)实践是至关重要的。这需要理解不同管理层次和职业生涯阶段员工的动机是什么(Enz和Siguaw,2000)。这意味着酒店经理了解哪些实践对增加员工满意度和保留率最有利是有益的。 |
第9段 Herzberg (1966) proposes that people have two major types of needs, the first being extrinsic motivation factors relating to the context in which work is performed, rather than the work itself. These include working conditions and job security. When these factors are unfavorable, job dissatisfaction may result. Significantly, though, just fulfilling these needs does not result in satisfaction, but only in the reduction of dissatisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008). | Herzberg(1966)提出人们有两种主要类型的需求,第一种是外部激励因素,与工作本身无关,而是与工作环境有关。这些包括工作条件和工作安全。当这些因素不利时,可能导致工作不满意。但是,值得注意的是,只是满足这些需求并不能带来满意度,只能减少不满意(Maroudas等,2008)。 |
第10段 Employees also have intrinsic motivation needs or motivators, which include such factors as achievement and recognition. Unlike extrinsic factors, motivator factors may ideally result in job satisfaction (Maroudas et al., 2008). Herzberg’s (1966) theory discusses the need for a ‘balance’ of these two types of needs. | 员工还有内在激励需求或激励因素,包括成就和认可等因素。与外部因素不同,激励因素可能理想地导致工作满意度(Maroudas等,2008)。Herzberg(1966)的理论讨论了这两种需求的“平衡”的需要。 |
第11段 The impact of fun as a motivating factor at work has also been explored. For example, Tews, Michel and Stafford (2013) conducted a study focusing on staff from a chain of themed restaurants in the United States, It was found that fun activities had a favorable impact on performance and manager support for fun had a favorable impact in reducing turnover. Their findings support the view that fun may indeed have a beneficial effect, but the framing of that fun must be carefully aligned with both organizational goals and employee characteristics. ‘Managers must learn how to achieve the delicate balance of allowing employees the freedom to enjoy themselves at work while simultaneously maintaining high levels of performance’ (Tews et al., 2013). | 乐趣作为一种激励因素在工作中的影响也得到了探讨。例如,Tews、Michel和Stafford(2013)进行了项研究,重点关注美国一家主题餐厅连锁店的员工。研究发现,有趣的活动对绩效有利,而管理者对乐趣的支持对减少员工离职有利。他们的研究结果支持乐趣可能确实具有积极影响的观点,但乐趣的框架必须与组织目标和员工特点精心协调。“管理者必须学会如何在保持高绩效的同时让员工在工作中自由享受”(Tews等,2013)。 |
Deery (2008) has recommended several actions that can be adopted at the organizational level to retain good staff as well as assist in balancing work and family life. Those particularly appropriate to the hospitality industry include allowing adequate breaks during the working day, staff functions that involve families, and providing health and well-being opportunities. | Deery(2008)建议组织层面可以采取一些行动来留住优秀员工,并在工作和家庭生活之间取得平衡。在酒店业特别适用的行动包括在工作日提供适当的休息时间、涉及家庭的员工活动,并提供健康和福祉机会。 |
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