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剑桥雅思18阅读Test3Passage1 文章讨论了混凝土在全球经济中的重要性以及对气候变化的负面影响,因此,要完全替代混凝土在建筑高楼大厦中的使用,还需要更多的实践验证和成本效益的探索。




Concrete is the second most used substance in the global economy, after water – and one of the world’s biggest single sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The chemical process by which cement, the key ingredient of concrete, is created results in large quantities of carbon dioxide. The UN estimates that there will be 9.8 billion people living on the planet by mid-century. They will need somewhere to live. If concrete is the only answer to the construction of new cities, then carbon emissions will soar, aggravating global warming. And so scientists have started innovating with other materials, in a scramble for alternatives to a universal commodity that has underpinned our modern life for many years.


The problem with replacing concrete is that it is so very good at what it does. Chris Cheeseman, an engineering professor at Imperial College London, says the key thing to consider is the extent to which concrete is used around the world, and is likely to continue to be used. ‘Concrete is not a high-carbon product. Cement is high carbon, but concrete is not. But it is the scale on which it is used that makes it high carbon. The sheer scale of manufacture is so huge, that is the issue.’


Not only are the ingredients of concrete relatively cheap and found in abundance in most places around the globe, the stuff itself has marvelous properties: Portland cement, the vital component of concrete, is mouldable and pourable, but quickly sets hard. Cheeseman also notes another advantage: concrete and steel have similar thermal expansion properties,  so steel can be used to reinforce concrete, making it far stronger and more flexible as a building material than it could be on its own. According to Cheeseman, all these factors together make concrete hard to beat. ‘Concrete is amazing stuff. Making anything with similar properties is going to be very difficult.’


A possible alternative to concrete is wood. Making buildings from wood may seem like a rather medieval idea, but climate change is driving architects to turn to treated timber as a possible resource. Recent years have seen the emergence of tall buildings constructed almost entirely from timber. Vancouver, Vienna and Brumunddal in Norway are all home to constructed tall, wooden buildings.


Using wood to construct buildings, however, is not straightforward. Wood expands as it absorbs moisture from the air and is susceptible to pests, not to mention fire. But treating wood and combining it with other materials can improve its properties. Cross-laminated timber is engineered wood. An adhesive is used to stick layers of solid-sawn timber together, crosswise, to form building blocks. This material is light but has the strength of concrete and steel. Construction experts say that wooden buildings can be constructed at a greater speed than ones of concrete and steel and the process, it seems, is quieter.


Stora Enso is Europe’s biggest supplier of cross-laminated timber, and its vice-president Markus Mannstrom reports that the company is seeing increasing demand globally for building in wood, with climate change concerns the key driver. Finland, with its large forests, where Stora Enso is based, has been leading the way, but the company is seeing a rise in demand for its timber products across the world, including in Asia. Of course, using timber in a building also locks away the carbon that it absorbed as it grew. But even treated wood has its limitations and only when a wider range of construction projects has been proven in practice will it be possible to see wood as a real alternative to concrete in constructing tall buildings.


Fly ash and slag from iron ore are possible alternatives to cement in a concrete mix. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning power plants, can be incorporated into concrete mixes to make up as much as 15 to 30% of the cement, without harming the strength or durability of the resulting mix. Iron-ore slag, a byproduct of the iron-ore smelting process, can be used in a similar way. Their incorporation into concrete mixes has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


But Anna Surgenor, of the UK’s Green Building Council, notes that although these waste products can save carbon in the concrete mix, their use is not always straightforward. It’s possible to replace the cement content in concrete with waste products to lower the overall carbon impact. But there are several calculations that need to be considered across the entire life cycle of the building – these include factoring in where these materials are being shipped from. If they are transported over long distances, using fossil fuels, the use of alternative materials might not make sense from an overall carbon reduction perspective.’


While these technologies are all promising ideas, they are either unproven or based on materials that are not abundant. In their overview of innovation in the concrete industry, Felix Preston and Johanna Lehne of the UK’s Royal Institute of International Affairs reached the conclusion that, ‘Some novel cements have been discussed for more than a decade within the research community, without breaking through. At present, these alternatives are rarely as cost-effective as conventional cement, and they face raw-material shortages and resistance from customers.’








替代混凝土的问题在于它在所做之事上非常出色。伦敦帝国学院的工程学教授Chris Cheeseman指出,关键要考虑的是全球使用混凝土的程度,以及未来可能继续使用的程度。“混凝土并不是高碳产品,水泥是高碳的,但混凝土不是。但是它的大规模使用使得它具有高碳的特点。制造规模如此巨大,这才是问题所在。”














Stora Enso公司是欧洲最大的交叉层压木材供应商,其副总裁Markus Mannstrom表示,该公司看到全球对木材建筑的需求不断增加,其中关键驱动力是对气候变化的担忧。芬兰,拥有大片森林资源的地方,是引领这一领域的国家,但该公司也看到全球范围内对其木材产品的需求增长,包括亚洲地区。当然,使用木材建筑还能储存生长过程中吸收的碳。但即使经过处理的木材也有其局限性,只有在更广泛的建筑项目实践中证明其有效性后,才能真正将木材视为在建造高楼大厦中替代混凝土的可行选择。





然而,英国绿色建筑委员会的Anna Surgenor指出,尽管这些废弃物在混凝土配方中可以节省碳排放,但它们的使用并不总是简单的。可以用废弃物替代混凝土中的水泥成分以降低整体碳影响,但需要考虑整个建筑生命周期的几个计算因素,包括这些材料的运输距离。如果它们通过化石燃料进行长距离运输,从整体减少碳排放的角度来看,使用替代材料可能并不合理。




虽然这些技术都是有前景的想法,但它们要么是未经验证的,要么是基于不充足的材料。在英国皇家国际事务研究所的Felix Preston和Johanna Lehne对混凝土行业的创新进行综述时得出结论:“在研究界,有些新型水泥已经讨论了十多年,但没有突破。目前,这些替代品很少有与传统水泥一样具有成本效益,并且它们面临原材料短缺和客户的反对。”




剑桥雅思18阅读Test3Passage1 文章讨论了混凝土在全球经济中的重要性以及对气候变化的负面影响,因此,要完全替代混凝土在建筑高楼大厦中的使用,还需要更多的实践验证和成本效益的探索。




Concrete is the second most used substance in the global economy, after water – and one of the world’s biggest single sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The chemical process by which cement, the key ingredient of concrete, is created results in large quantities of carbon dioxide. The UN estimates that there will be 9.8 billion people living on the planet by mid-century. They will need somewhere to live. If concrete is the only answer to the construction of new cities, then carbon emissions will soar, aggravating global warming. And so scientists have started innovating with other materials, in a scramble for alternatives to a universal commodity that has underpinned our modern life for many years.


The problem with replacing concrete is that it is so very good at what it does. Chris Cheeseman, an engineering professor at Imperial College London, says the key thing to consider is the extent to which concrete is used around the world, and is likely to continue to be used. ‘Concrete is not a high-carbon product. Cement is high carbon, but concrete is not. But it is the scale on which it is used that makes it high carbon. The sheer scale of manufacture is so huge, that is the issue.’


Not only are the ingredients of concrete relatively cheap and found in abundance in most places around the globe, the stuff itself has marvelous properties: Portland cement, the vital component of concrete, is mouldable and pourable, but quickly sets hard. Cheeseman also notes another advantage: concrete and steel have similar thermal expansion properties,  so steel can be used to reinforce concrete, making it far stronger and more flexible as a building material than it could be on its own. According to Cheeseman, all these factors together make concrete hard to beat. ‘Concrete is amazing stuff. Making anything with similar properties is going to be very difficult.’


A possible alternative to concrete is wood. Making buildings from wood may seem like a rather medieval idea, but climate change is driving architects to turn to treated timber as a possible resource. Recent years have seen the emergence of tall buildings constructed almost entirely from timber. Vancouver, Vienna and Brumunddal in Norway are all home to constructed tall, wooden buildings.


Using wood to construct buildings, however, is not straightforward. Wood expands as it absorbs moisture from the air and is susceptible to pests, not to mention fire. But treating wood and combining it with other materials can improve its properties. Cross-laminated timber is engineered wood. An adhesive is used to stick layers of solid-sawn timber together, crosswise, to form building blocks. This material is light but has the strength of concrete and steel. Construction experts say that wooden buildings can be constructed at a greater speed than ones of concrete and steel and the process, it seems, is quieter.


Stora Enso is Europe’s biggest supplier of cross-laminated timber, and its vice-president Markus Mannstrom reports that the company is seeing increasing demand globally for building in wood, with climate change concerns the key driver. Finland, with its large forests, where Stora Enso is based, has been leading the way, but the company is seeing a rise in demand for its timber products across the world, including in Asia. Of course, using timber in a building also locks away the carbon that it absorbed as it grew. But even treated wood has its limitations and only when a wider range of construction projects has been proven in practice will it be possible to see wood as a real alternative to concrete in constructing tall buildings.


Fly ash and slag from iron ore are possible alternatives to cement in a concrete mix. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning power plants, can be incorporated into concrete mixes to make up as much as 15 to 30% of the cement, without harming the strength or durability of the resulting mix. Iron-ore slag, a byproduct of the iron-ore smelting process, can be used in a similar way. Their incorporation into concrete mixes has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


But Anna Surgenor, of the UK’s Green Building Council, notes that although these waste products can save carbon in the concrete mix, their use is not always straightforward. It’s possible to replace the cement content in concrete with waste products to lower the overall carbon impact. But there are several calculations that need to be considered across the entire life cycle of the building – these include factoring in where these materials are being shipped from. If they are transported over long distances, using fossil fuels, the use of alternative materials might not make sense from an overall carbon reduction perspective.’


While these technologies are all promising ideas, they are either unproven or based on materials that are not abundant. In their overview of innovation in the concrete industry, Felix Preston and Johanna Lehne of the UK’s Royal Institute of International Affairs reached the conclusion that, ‘Some novel cements have been discussed for more than a decade within the research community, without breaking through. At present, these alternatives are rarely as cost-effective as conventional cement, and they face raw-material shortages and resistance from customers.’








替代混凝土的问题在于它在所做之事上非常出色。伦敦帝国学院的工程学教授Chris Cheeseman指出,关键要考虑的是全球使用混凝土的程度,以及未来可能继续使用的程度。“混凝土并不是高碳产品,水泥是高碳的,但混凝土不是。但是它的大规模使用使得它具有高碳的特点。制造规模如此巨大,这才是问题所在。”














Stora Enso公司是欧洲最大的交叉层压木材供应商,其副总裁Markus Mannstrom表示,该公司看到全球对木材建筑的需求不断增加,其中关键驱动力是对气候变化的担忧。芬兰,拥有大片森林资源的地方,是引领这一领域的国家,但该公司也看到全球范围内对其木材产品的需求增长,包括亚洲地区。当然,使用木材建筑还能储存生长过程中吸收的碳。但即使经过处理的木材也有其局限性,只有在更广泛的建筑项目实践中证明其有效性后,才能真正将木材视为在建造高楼大厦中替代混凝土的可行选择。





然而,英国绿色建筑委员会的Anna Surgenor指出,尽管这些废弃物在混凝土配方中可以节省碳排放,但它们的使用并不总是简单的。可以用废弃物替代混凝土中的水泥成分以降低整体碳影响,但需要考虑整个建筑生命周期的几个计算因素,包括这些材料的运输距离。如果它们通过化石燃料进行长距离运输,从整体减少碳排放的角度来看,使用替代材料可能并不合理。




虽然这些技术都是有前景的想法,但它们要么是未经验证的,要么是基于不充足的材料。在英国皇家国际事务研究所的Felix Preston和Johanna Lehne对混凝土行业的创新进行综述时得出结论:“在研究界,有些新型水泥已经讨论了十多年,但没有突破。目前,这些替代品很少有与传统水泥一样具有成本效益,并且它们面临原材料短缺和客户的反对。”




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