Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.
Surname | 1 |
Given name | Garba |
Local address | 2 |
Home address | Lagos, Nigeria |
Date of birth | 3 |
Course | 4 |
Note: The only obstacle is candidate’s personal confusion between the student’s first name and surname. Nonetheless, as the given name “Garba” has already been filled, the candidate is expected to pass Q1 with ease. |
Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS/NUMBERS for each answer.
How many other UK universities have libraries open 24 hours?
What size photocopies are available at the library?
How many entries are there on the library database?
Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.
It is not necessary to be 8 on the lower floor of the library.
What is on the upper floor of the library? 9
It is not always necessary to make an appointment to use the 10 room.
Note: “It is not necessary to be” and “Is not required to be/to do sth” are interchangeable in this context. |
Note: If you are still uncertain of the answer, the following sentence is there to clarify our choice. From this sentence, we learn that if the room is not in use, students do not need to make an appointment in advance. Therefore, it is not always necessary to make an appointment to use the video and DVD room. |
Student: Good morning. I’d like to join the library, please.
Librarian: Of course. Can I just see your student card ?
Student: Here you are.
Librarian: Thank you. Let me just check – your first name is Garba – G A R B A – and your surname is Buwal – B U W A L.
Student: That’s right.
Librarian: Can I just get some additional information from you for our database? It won’t take long.
Student: Sure.
Librarian: Could I have your address, please?
Student: Here? In Newtown?
Librarian: Yes.
Student: 16 Bridgeway road .
Librarian: Is Bridgeway written as one word?
Student: Yes, it is.
Librarian: Thank you. Which city are you from? Just the city, I don’t need the full address.
Student: I’m from Lagos in Nigeria.
Librarian: And your date of birth?
Student: 25th of May 1983.
Librarian: Which course are you on?
Student: M.Sc. Engineering.
Librarian: Thank you. That’s all the personal data I need. Your library card will be ready tomorrow. Would you like to pick it up here or shall I send it to your department ?
Student: I’ll pick it up here. Could I just ask you a few questions?
Librarian: Of course. What would you like to know?
Student: I heard that the library is open 24 hours a day. Is that correct?
Librarian: It will be from the 1st of October , but now we’re only open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. because this week is only for orientation. There are no formal classes at the university.
Student: I see. It’s very unusual to have a library that’s open 24 hours.
Librarian: We are only the second university in the UK to offer this service. It was instantly popular when we introduced it on the 1st of march last academic year.
Student: What facilities are available here? I missed the orientation, I’m afraid.
Librarian: Well, you can see the three photo copiers over there by the large desk. The one nearest us is a colour copier.
Student: How much does it cost to make copies?
Librarian: Five pence for black and white and 10 pence for colour. Only A4 sized copies are available. On the other side of the room, by the windows, you can see the computers. They have a database of all books, newspapers, magazines and reports in the library – about half a million entries in all.
Student: Are they connected to the Internet?
Librarian: No. We found that too many students wanted to use them.
Besides, it’s cheap and easy for students to get an Internet connection in their accommodation .
Student: Those stairs lead to the rest of the library?
Librarian: Yes. On this floor, we have newspapers and magazines.
Users are not required to be silent in this part of the library, but we do ask that noise be kept to a minimum. Upstairs, there are all the books and reports.
Student: What’s that room at the end there?
Librarian: You mean at the opposite end of the room to my desk? That’s the video and DVD room . We have a small selection of videos and DVDs that students can view, but usually an appointment needs to be made in advance. However, this is not necessary if the room is not in use.
Student: Well, thank you very much.
Librarian: My pleasure.