IELTS Mock Test 2021 March

IELTS Mock Test 2021 March

(1,583 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 24 Mar 2021
  • 模考人次: 782,876


Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 (the) Water Treatment Plant 
  • 2 8 o’clock/ 8 am 
  • 3 2.5 hours 
  • 4 visit (the) dam / see dam functioning 
  • 5 (a) youth hostel 
  • 6 breakfast (and) supper / evening meal 
  • 7 600 
  • 8 10 B,E,F 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 (the) Water Treatment Plant 
  • 2 8 o’clock/ 8 am 
  • 3 2.5 hours 
  • 4 visit (the) dam / see dam functioning 
  • 5 (a) youth hostel 
  • 6 breakfast (and) supper / evening meal 
  • 7 600 
  • 8 10 B,E,F 
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 Consumer’s Choice 
  • 12 (the) month 
  • 13 (about) 360 
  • 14 (They) vanished 
  • 15 2,000 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 Consumer’s Choice 
  • 12 (the) month 
  • 13 (about) 360 
  • 14 (They) vanished 
  • 15 2,000 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 C97H85 
  • 22 has / got an exemption /(has) practical experience 
  • 23 June 20(th); June 25(th) (in either order) 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30 collect a sample / collect sample programmes 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 C97H85 
  • 22 has / got an exemption /(has) practical experience 
  • 23 June 20(th); June 25(th) (in either order) 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30 collect a sample / collect sample programmes 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32 (the) first model 
  • 33 Core Wars 
  • 34 intellectual entertainment 
  • 35 pastime 
  • 36
  • 37 be (very) careful 
  • 38 avoid trouble 
  • 39 understand (viruses) 
  • 40 be (well) prepared 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32 (the) first model 
  • 33 Core Wars 
  • 34 intellectual entertainment 
  • 35 pastime 
  • 36
  • 37 be (very) careful 
  • 38 avoid trouble 
  • 39 understand (viruses) 
  • 40 be (well) prepared 


ALIZa LAZARO 9.015:24
Vũ Huy 9.015:34
Min Htaw 9.016:04
4 Reem abdalmhsen 9.016:59
5 Abigail Rodríguez 9.017:23
6 chinhnguyen260501 9.017:45
7 Cherry Trang 9.018:15
8 aaryapatel1934 9.019:16
9 Daisy Li 9.019:28
10 Thạch Vũ Lê Quân 9.019:44


(0 评分人数)
28 Nov 2023


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Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-7

Complete the following notes by using A NUMBER or NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

University Geography Field Trip

Time:next week (a two-day trip)
Destination:the Warrangamba Dam and 1
Matching course: Environmental Science
Departing time of coach: at 2 next Monday
Length of journey there: 3 roughly and three hours back
First day’s activity: 4
Spending the night: in 5
Meals provided: in the form of 6
Sydney’s daily water consumption: equal to the water to fill 7 full-size Olympic swimming pools
Second day’s activity:

go to the water plant to see how to purify the water for drinking

  • 1 Answer: (the) Water Treatment Plant
    • The keywords in Q1 are destinations, the Warrangamba Dam and

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be a place of interest.

    • As Cesar comes across Rachel, he reminds her about the field trip in the following week which is compulsory for first year student in Environmental Science. According to Cesar, in the trip they will have chance to visit not only Warragamba Dam but also the Water Treatment Plant. That means the second destination is Water Treatment Plant. Hence, the answer is (the) Water Treatment Plant

  • 2 Answer: 8 o’clock/ 8 am
    • The keywords in Q2 are Departing time, coach, next Monday

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be a time

    • There are three times mentioned in the conversation. The first one is 7, which is the time they gather outside the library. Note the question asks for the departing time of the coach, so 7 is not the answer. According to Rachel, if any student cannot manage to meet at the library at 7, their alternative choice is to meet the group at the bus station by 7:45. However, the coach doesn’t depart at that time, which makes 7:45 is incorrect. Indeed, the coach is said to depart at 8 o’clock. Hence, 8 o’clock or 8am is the answer.

  • 3 Answer: 2.5 hours
    • The keywords in Q3 are Length of journey, roughly, three hours back

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be a period of time. As the blank is followed by ‘’three hours back’’, we know that the answer will be the length of the trip when they go, not when they come back.

    • Compared to how long it would take to come back, the amount of time spent on going is less than 3 hours as they are less likely to struggle with traffic. Note that at first Cesar points out that it will last for 2 hours but he then corrects it by saying ‘’Actually more like two and a half hours at that time of day’’. Hence, the answer is 2.5 hours

  • 4 Answer: visit (the) dam / see dam functioning
    • The keywords in Q4 are First day’s activity

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be an activity

    • On the first day of the trip, they will have chance to visit the dam. It is believed by Cesar that they will be enabled to see how the dam is function, which is pretty fascinating. Hence, the answer can be either visit (the) dam or see dam functioning.

  • 5 Answer: (a) youth hostel
    • The keywords in Q5 are Spending the night, in

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be a place

    • Since the trip will last for 2 days, Rachel concerns about the place for them to stay overnight. At that point, Rachel doesn’t expect to stay in a camp/ a tent next to the dam. Fortunately, Cesar notes that they only have some overnight cabins by the dams while their accommodation is a nearby-town youth hostel. Hence, the answer is (a) youth hostel

  • 6 Answer: breakfast (and) supper / evening meal
    • The keywords in Q6 are Meals provided, in the form of

    • When using ‘’in the form of’’, the answer is likely to be breakfast, lunch, dinner….

    • Moving onto meals provided in the trip, Rachel has questioned whether it is necessary to bring her own food. Cesar then clarifies that she doesn’t need to do so because breakfast and an evening meal will be available at the hostel. By contrast, they do have to purchase their own lunch as lunch is not provided by the hostel. Hence, the answer is breakfast (and) supper / evening meal

  • 7 Answer: 600
    • The keywords in Q7 are Sydney’s daily water consumption, equal, water to fill, full-size Olympic swimming pools

    • From the keywords, we anticipate that the answer should be a number.

    • According to the speakers, due to Sydney’s huge population (over four and a half million people), water supplied to the city must be substantial., To demonstrate that, Cesar reports that 20,000 kilometres of pipes and canals are involved in the process of pumping water, in addition to the fact that they need 262 service reservoirs to contain it. Although a lot of description and numbers are given here, none of them matches with our keywords. After that Cesar compares the water they consume in Sydney every day is equivalent/equal to that amount to fill 600 Olympic swimming pools. Hence, 600 it is the answer.

Questions 8-10

Choose THREE letters, A-F

Which THREE things does Cesar recommend bringing?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • 8-10 Answer: B,E,F
    • The keywords in Q8-10 are THREE things, Cesar, recommend bringing

    • Moving onto the second day, they will take part in the tour to the Water Treatment Plant where they can observe the methods that water is purified. This activity catches the attention of Rachel so she decides to bring her camera. Since this is agreed by Cesar, B is one correct answer. Besides, Cesar also suggests Rachel to prepare extra shoes and clothes, especially a waterproof coat in case it would be raining that week. As waterproof coat is used to prevent getting wet from rain, it is similar to ‘’raincoat’’. Hence, second correct answer is E. The last recommendation from Cesar is that Rachel should bring her mobile phone with her so that it will help to contact easily. Thus, F is correct as well. Note that Rachel emphasises that a map is not necessary, which means D is incorrect. Hence, the answer are B, E, F

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R = Rachel; C = Cesar

R: Hi, Cesar. How are you?

C: Good, thanks, Rachel. I’m fine. I was going to ring you tonight so it’s a good thing I’ve run into you. I wanted to remind you about the field trip – the two day field trip next week.

R: What field trip?

C: The geography field trip to the Warragamba Dam and the Water treatment Plant. It’s a compulsory part of the first year environmentalScience course. Didn’t you know about it?

R: Nol I must have missed that piece of information; this is news to mel But give me the details, please!

C: Sure! Well, we have to meet outside the Library next Monday at 7 in the morning or you can meet us at 7:45 at the bus station in time to catch the coach which departs at 8 o’clock.

R: Oh, alright. And how long does it take to get to this place?

C: Well, once we’re on the coach , it will take about two . Er…, no! Actually more like two and a half hours at that time of day. And it could take as long as three hours to come back the next day because of the evening traffic.

R: And what’s the purpose of the trip?

C: Didn’t you get the course outline? You don’t seem to know anything about this course!

R: Well, remember, I only started at the university a month ago, so I joined the course two weeks late and I’ve been trying to catch up ever since!

C: Oh, of course! Well, we spend the first day visiting the dam. I believe we actually go inside the wall of the dam, which is really quite interesting – to see the dam functioning, you know, how much they regulate the water supply each day, depending on how much water is needed downstream in Sydney.

R: Oh. OK. And um, so, if this is a two-day trip, where are we staying? Not camping by the dam, I hope!

C: No, no. Not camping. They do actually have some overnight cabins near the dam for visiting groups, but we’re spending the night in a youth hostel, in a town nearby. That’s all been arranged by the university.

R: And what about meals? Should we take our own food along?

C: No, you won’t need to do that. The hostelprovides two meals, breakfast and an evening meal and we can find a cheap place to buy lunch.

R: Greatl So, is this the only dam that supplieswater for Sydney?

C: There are a couple of others too, but this is the main one.

R: Well, with a population of over four and a half million people, I suppose we douse thousands of litres each day.

C: Absolutely! In fact, according to my notes here, they pump the water through something like 20,000 kilometres of pipes and canals and store the water in 262 service reservoirs . And each day we use enough water to fill 600 Olympic swimming pools.

R: And what’s happening on the second day?

C: Urn…well, we’re coming back to town and going to the Water Treatment Plant to see how they purify the water for drinking.

R: Oh, that should actually be quite interesting. I’ll bring my camera.

C: Yes, that’s a good idea because we’re supposed to include original photos for the final piece of work at the end of the course. And make sure you bring a notebook and pen or pencil.

R: OK. I’ll do that.

C: You’ll probably need some good walking shoes and spare clothes, too. And I would recommend that you bring a waterproof coat of some sort because the chances of it raining are pretty good next week. And a hat, perhaps?

R: Sorry, no. I draw the line at a hat!

C: Fair enough. And by the way, do you have a mobile phone?

R: I do actually.

C: Well, bring that along because that way we can keep in touch more easily.

R: Provided that mobiles work up there, of course!

C: That’s a point!

R: Do I need a map?

C: No, I wouldn’t bother. We won’t need to do any map reading.

R: OK, then. See you on Monday, and thanks very much for letting me know.


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