IELTS Practice Test Volume 4

IELTS Practice Test Volume 4

(288 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 04 Jun 2019
  • 模考人次: 133,300


Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 equipment (needed) 
  • 2 Fred 
  • 3 6/six days 
  • 4 Mike 
  • 5 Leo 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 equipment (needed) 
  • 2 Fred 
  • 3 6/six days 
  • 4 Mike 
  • 5 Leo 
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16 yellow 
  • 17 garden shed 
  • 18 wildlife reserve 
  • 19 firewood 
  • 20 garden bin 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16 yellow 
  • 17 garden shed 
  • 18 wildlife reserve 
  • 19 firewood 
  • 20 garden bin 
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 Welfare State 
  • 22 too long 
  • 23 In Perspective 
  • 24 oversimplifies 
  • 25 Political Theory 
  • 26 not relevant 
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 Welfare State 
  • 22 too long 
  • 23 In Perspective 
  • 24 oversimplifies 
  • 25 Political Theory 
  • 26 not relevant 
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33 35 B,C,E 
  • 36 participate 
  • 37 natural springs 
  • 38 local product 
  • 39 characterised/characterized 
  • 40 mature cheese(s) 
Correct answer: 0/10
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Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33 35 B,C,E 
  • 36 participate 
  • 37 natural springs 
  • 38 local product 
  • 39 characterised/characterized 
  • 40 mature cheese(s) 


Minh Trần 9.015:31
Muhammed Farhan 9.015:57
4 Sharon Darshini 9.016:47
5 Maria Atayan 9.017:02
6 Maria Saengpanich 9.017:55
7 Sereine Elysian 9.017:55
8 Ngô Minh Anh 9.018:15
9 Huynh Pham 9.018:23
10 Tran Anh 9.019:03


(1 评分人数)
29 Nov 2023


Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5

Complete the notes.


Basic Details of Project



involves selecting rooms & 1

Phase 1:

•    time needed: 3 days

•    staff involved: Jenna, Marco, &  2

Phase 2:

•    time needed:  3

•    staff involved:  4 , with assistance from  5

  • 1 Answer: equipment (needed)


    • Words which lead you to the answer are underlined.

    • Words or numbers you must write for the answer is marked.

    • Words which you might wrongly think could be the answer are in italics.


    • The main keyword in Q1 is “selecting”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a noun about something can be used for the project.

    • The phrase “The Pre-phrase” signifies that your answer is nearby. However, Q1 does mention “room” as your first answer, so you should focus on what’s following after it in the conversation. Words like and, as well as, etc. can help you know when and where you should focus.

    • You may assume the word “projectors” to be your correct answer, but it isn’t, because Marcus has mentioned the “equipment needed” before referring to the lack of projectors from the last project. Therefore, the correct answer should be “equipment (needed)”.


  • 2 Answer: Fred


    • The main keyword in Q2 is “staff involved”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a person who is suitable for Phase 1.

    • Remember that the question’s keyword is “staff involved”, which means only people who are suitable for Phase 1 can be chosen.

    • The conversation mentioned four people: Jenna, Marco, Susan, and Fred. Jenna and Marco has already been chosen, and Marcus said that Susan shouldn’t be chosen (“but not Susan”). As a result, Fred is the correct answer.

  • 3 Answer: 6/six days


    • The main keyword in Q3 is “time needed”.

    • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a time needed for Phase 2.

    • In the conversation, Marcus said “Can we do that in five days”. Together with the fact that Ella thought “that’s optimistic”, they may cause you to think wrongly that this is the correct answer (because Marcus was asking but not confirming, and Ella said afterwards that she “scheduled six”). In this case, Marcus’s question served as the signal leading you to the correct answer, which is “six days”.

    • You can write “six” as a number, but you must have the word “days” in the answer. Otherwise, your answer is unaccepted.

  • 4 Answer: Mike

    Q4 and Q5:

    • The main keyword in Q4 is “staff involved”, and Q5 is “assistance”.

    • We can assume from the questions that the answers may refer to people who is suitable for Phase 2.

    • Remember that the questions’ keywords are “staff involved” and “assistance”, which means only people who are suitable for Phase 2 can be chosen.

    • The conversation mentioned about five people for this task, but three of them has been clearly confirmed as unsuitable for this job (Arthur, Rob, and Peter). Therefore, Mike and Leo are our answers.

    Noted: Remember that Q5 refers to the assistance for the staff involved in Q4, so you must write “Mike” for Q4 and “Leo” for Q5. The reverse isn’t correct.

  • 5 Answer: Leo

    Q4 and Q5:

    • The main keyword in Q4 is “staff involved”, and Q5 is “assistance”.

    • We can assume from the questions that the answers may refer to people who is suitable for Phase 2.

    • Remember that the questions’ keywords are “staff involved” and “assistance”, which means only people who are suitable for Phase 2 can be chosen.

    • The conversation mentioned about five people for this task, but three of them has been clearly confirmed as unsuitable for this job (Arthur, Rob, and Peter). Therefore, Mike and Leo are our answers.

    Noted: Remember that Q5 refers to the assistance for the staff involved in Q4, so you must write “Mike” for Q4 and “Leo” for Q5. The reverse isn’t correct.

Questions 6-10

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.


The main form of data collection will be

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C


  • The main keyword in Q6 is “data collection”.

  • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a type of collecting data or people’s opinions.

  • Marcus mentioned questionnaires in his question, but Ella didn’t give a direct answer for that question. Instead, she mentioned “using the Internet”, which may cause you to mistake the real answer because she said afterwards that “you often get such silly responses when you do that”.

  • Therefore, we can remove B (Internet polling), along with A (questionnaires) from the answer list. C is the correct answer.


To finish in time, the staff will have to

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: A


  • The main keyword in Q7 is “To finish in time”.

  • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to an action which help them to finish their work in time.

  • You may mistake C as your correct answer if you hear “We’ll probably even have to do some of the work at home” and hastily choose C without hearing the following.

  • Ella said that “I don’t think so” when she heard Marcus’s suggestion for taking some work home. Instead, she suggested staying back at work. Together with the fact that Marcus said “that’s better than coming in early”, we can assume that A is the correct answer.


The final report will contain

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C


  • The main keywords in Q8 are “final report” and “contain”.

  • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to something that comes along with the final report.

  • You may mistake A as your correct answer when you hear “need at least two appendices”. Only answer A from the answer list contains the word “appendices”; however, the quantity is different (the answer is “three”, not “two”). Therefore, A is incorrect.

  • The phrase “Not only that” serves as the signal leading to the correct answer, which is a small booklet (containing printouts of the relevant parts from all the foreign websites). Only answer C from the answer list contains the word “booklet”, so C is the correct answer.


The final report will be handed in on the

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: B


  • The main keywords in Q9 are “final report” and “be handed in”.

  • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to a period of time or a specific day that the final report will be submitted (or be handed in).

  • You may mistake A as your correct answer when you hear “Phase 1 should be finished by the 5th”. Please note that Ella was referring to Phase 1, not the final report. Therefore, A is incorrect.

  • We can assume that B is the correct answer (as Ella stated that “everything should be able to be submitted on the 15th”). Don’t mistake the 25th (answer C) as the correct answer since it was the time for celebration, as Ella said.


At the end, there will be

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C


  • The main keyword in Q10 is “at the end”.

  • We can assume from the question that the answer may refer to an activity or something regarding the time after all the work has been done.

  • Ella clearly stated that she “definitely don’t want a party in the office”, so we can remove answer A from the answer list.

  • You may mistake B as the correct answer when you hear “We’ll want to get away from this place”. However, Ella also said that the group were too busy to find a mutual time free for a dinner party. If you’re patient enough to hear the following text, such mistake won’t occur. The remaining answer is C, which is the correct one.

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You will hear two colleagues, Marcus and Ella, discussing a work project.

Marcus: Okay, Ella. As you know, the deadline for this project is the end of the month, so we’d better plan it well.

Ella: Yes, I’ve already been thinking along those lines, and I’ve decided we should divide this project into three phases: the Pre-phase, then Phase 1, and then Phase 2, with strict deadlines involved for each one.

Marcus: Given that we have to finish this quickly, that sounds good. Tell me more.

Ella: The Pre-phrase is the simplest. We just need to allocate a space or a place to do our planning, and this space will need to be quite big.

Marcus: Sure, and we have to decide on the equipment needed as well. Remember the last project, when we didn’t have enough projectors to present our ideas? We lost lots of time there.

Ella: Yes, that was a bad start. That’s why, after the Pre-phase is finished, I’ve allocated a mere three days for Phase One.

Marcus: That will involve drawing the plans. We’ll need Jenna to help us.

Ella: And Marco.

Marcus: Yes, but not Susan. Susan is just far too busy to participate, as much as I’d like her in the team.

Ella: Let’s just take Fred instead. He’ll do.

Marcus: Sure. Fred’s not as experienced as Greg, but I agree, he’ll do fine for this job.

Ella: Then it’s straight into Phase 2, collecting, collating, analysing, and preparing the final report.

Marcus: Can we do that in five days?

Ella: I think that’s optimistic, which is why I scheduled six.

Marcus: That’s almost a week! Do we have that much time?

Ella: We do, and with the right people, six days should see the job done.

Marcus: Who are the people for this phase? Arthur and Rob, right?

Ella: No, Arthur’s got other things to do, and Rob’s on leave, so Mike alone will be the main man on this part. He’s done it before, so it should be fine. But he may need some help with the smaller tasks. Someone who is good with detail and procedures.

Marcus: Hmmm. Peter’s not free at the moment, so I can arrange Leo to chip in some time and advice. Leo’s very useful, particularly under pressure. And that’s everything sorted! Well done Ella. This report should certainly be ready in time.

Marcus: Okay, Ella, you’ve done a good job with the basic timeframe of this project, but what about specifics?

Ella: What sort of specifics?

Marcus: Well, things like information gathering. Are we going to use questionnaires like we did last time?

Ella: I was thinking of using the Internet to ask people to give their views, but you often get such silly responses when you do that. I’m of the view that the best way to find out things is to ask people directly, so that’s what we’ll do.

Marcus: Okay, but that will take longer. We’ll probably even have to do some of the work at home.

Ella: No, I don’t think so, as long as we stay back at work for some after-hours meetings.

Marcus: Well, that’s better than coming in early. No one functions well in the morning. Also, the final report will need at least two appendices.

Ella: Not only that, we’ll have to attach a small booklet to the end, containing printouts of the relevant parts from all the foreign websites we accessed.

Marcus: That will take even more time. Are you sure we can meet this deadline?

Ella: Yep, I’ve worked it all out, and I’m confident we can do it. Phase 1 should be finished by the 5th, leaving Phase 2 to begin about the 8th or 9th. Now, there’s a public holiday on the 10th, meaning that everything should be able to be submitted on the 15th , and after that, we can relax, and celebrate on the 25th when the Design Division gives us approval to go ahead.

Marcus: Hah, you’re assuming that the Design Division will approve this, and that’s not guaranteed at all.

Ella: Oh come on Marcus, be positive. You know this should be approved—in fact, I’m even planning the celebration when this is all over.

Marcus: Oh yeah, what’s on the agenda, then?

Ella: Well, we definitely don’t want a party in the office, do we? We’ll want to get away from this place, and we’re all too busy with our own lives and families to find a mutual time free for a dinner party, so I thought we’d just buy some nice expensive gifts for everyone who participated. We can just give these to the people here in the office.

Marcus: That sounds fine to me, but make sure they’re not too expensive. The Budget Department will never approve the cost.

Ella: Don’t worry; I know how much I can get away with.

Marcus: Alright. I’ll leave that with you.


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