# | 用户 | 得分 | 时间 | |
Mohsina Shaikh | | 9.0 | 15:01 | |
Sarah Tran | | 9.0 | 15:39 | |
Nguyễn Hoàng Mỹ Annh | | 9.0 | 15:42 | |
4 | Bien Ly | | 9.0 | 16:15 |
5 | Chi Hoang | | 9.0 | 19:50 |
6 | Fatemi Lokhandwala | | 9.0 | 20:32 |
7 | Jorge Villalobos Cortés | | 9.0 | 21:15 |
8 | EMMANUEL COMILING | | 9.0 | 22:31 |
9 | Hoang-Nguyen Nguyen | | 9.0 | 22:49 |
10 | T M | | 9.0 | 22:52 |
Did you notice a spelling error in this article title? Yes, you are right! It should be written as IELTS Listening, not ILETS Listening....
Look at the description of Online Tutors (A-E). Write the appropriate letter A-E for each space.
Which tutor would you choose…?
….If your first language was Spanish? | A |
…to teach young children? | 1 |
…to improve English for your business? | 2 |
…if you didn’t have much money? | 3 |
…if you were bored with the usual language learning exercises? | 4 |
…to do exam preparation | 5 |
Which description mention
…language teaching qualifications from USA ? | 6 |
…more than 26 years’ teaching experience? | 7 |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q2 Which tutor would you choose…? …to improve English for your business? | C Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia I offer tutoring assistance in all areas of English, with an emphasis on Business Writing for EFL adults. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is C. Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q3 Which tutor would you choose…? …if you didn’t have much money? | B John Bennett-Smfth (M 27) Canada I am willing to teach (free of charge), privately or to groups, and to teach those language skills which are of interest to a particular student. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is B. John Bennett-Smfth (M 27) Canada |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q4 Which tutor would you choose…? …if you were bored with the usual language learning exercises? | D Jean-Ptorre JoyaJ (M 22) France I really like to create new kinds of teaching materials and I usually create my own activities instead of using the same Kind of exercises and texts we all are used to. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is D. Jean-Ptorre JoyaJ (M 22) France |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q5 Which tutor would you choose…? …to do exam preparation | A I Astrid Manyana (F 46) Chile Basics, oral, written, specific interests [eg: tourism] and preparation for Cambridge and IELTS exams. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is A. I Astrid Manyana (F 46) Chile |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q6 Which description mention …language teaching qualifications from USA ? | E Naoe Nagayo (F 36) Japan I have a TEFL certificate from the USA and a MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is E. Naoe Nagayo (F 36) Japan. |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q7 Which description mention …more than 26 years’ teaching experience? | C Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia I have taught English for over 30 years, |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is C. Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia |
Choose ONE item only from the list below to go in each recycling container.
In the Blue Box 8
In the Yellow Bag 9
In the Blue Bag 10
telephone book | packing box |
old clothing | magazines |
wed pizza delivery box | old textbook |
ceramic cup | aluminium drink can |
heavy cardboard | light bulb |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q8 In the Blue Box: aluminium drink can | RECYCLING - INSIDE YOUR BLUE BOX Metals Food and beverage containers. Cans — rinse and remove labels, flatten and fold together. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is aluminium drink can. |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q9 In the Yellow Bag: telephone book | YELLOW BAG Household paper — junk mail, envelopes, brochures, paper bags, egg cartons (fiber only); box packaging such as cereal, shoe boxes, paper towel cores, white and coloured office paper, telephone books. |
Key From the connection stated above, we can conclude that the answer is telephone book. |
Look at the following statements.
YES | if the statement agrees with the views of the writer |
NO | if the statement contradicts the views of the writer |
NOT GIVEN | if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this |
11 Do I put out items for recycling every other week?
12 Should I remove labels from food cans?
13 Can I recycle a broken window?
14 Is there a separate collection for large household items?
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q13 Can I recycle a broken window? | No other types of glass such as kitchenware, drinking glasses, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors or any broken glass. |
Key Broken window glass is not recycled, which contradicts with the information in Q13. For that reason, the answer is NO. |
Keywords in Questions | |
Q14 Is there a separate collection for large household items? | |
Key There is no information about separate collection for large household items. There are some misleading statements such as household plastic containers or household paper. but the writer didn't mention anything about separate collection for large household items. For that reason, the answer is NOT GIVEN. |
Read the information below and answer Questions 1-7
ONLINE Tutors are excellent EFL/ESL teachers from around the world! They can be your private English tutor right on your computer! To send an email message to an ONLINE Tutor, just click on the name and write a short message to introduce yourself!
A I Astrid Manyana (F 46) Chile
Special offer for Spanish speakers: bilingual teaching of English grammar and explanations in Spanish. 25 years’ experience teaching all levels from age 15 to 55. Basics, oral, written, specific interests [eg: tourism] and preparation for Cambridge and IELTS exams. I can make speaking English easy for you!
B John Bennett-Smfth (M 27) Canada
I have been teaching English conversation as a volunteer in a language centre in my city for about one year. I have also been using e-mail. ICQ and NetMeeting to teach grammar, composition and conversation over the Internet to about 20 or so students for about the same length of time. I am willing to teach (free of charge), privately or to groups, and to teach those language skills which are of interest to a paticular student.
C Pamela Arrowsmltfi (F 56) Australia
I have taught English for over 30 years, and have developed a range of classroom materials. I offer tutoring assistance in all areas of English, with an emphasis on Business Writing for EFL adults. I can arrange trips to Australia for business and professional adults, either individuals or groups [maximum of four adults] and these can include English classes. If desired.
D Jean-Ptorre JoyaJ (M 22) France
I really like to create new kinds of teaching materials and I usually create my own activities instead of using the same Kind of exercises and texts we all are used to. Let’s try that in our classes – it will be fun! I have a BA and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language and I have been teaching all levels of ESL student for more than 3 years. I offer a complimentary assessment of your skill level.
E Naoe Nagayo (F 36) Japan
I have taught English as a Foreign Language for 6 years. I have a TEFL certificate from the USA and a MA in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK. My students range from pre-schoolers to adults. With my experience and knowledge, I can help you to target your learning difficulties and Improve your English ability!
Read the information about recycling and answer Questions 8-14.
No-Waste is a goal and a process that involves individuals, communities, businesses and all levels of government. It leads to a future where trash is a thing of the past. Solid waste isn’t hidden or buried in landfills but fully utilised as the valuable resource that it is. Through redesign, reduction, reuse, repair, recycling, composting and changes in attitude, we aim to create opportunity and wealth instead of garbage.
RECYCLING Inside your blue box | Every second week. * Put garbage and recyclables out before 8 AM on collection day. Household Plastic containers Includes milk jugs, yoghurt containers, detergent bottles. Excludes containers made of foam, plastic containers which held ammonia-based products, or metal bottle lids. Rinse to remove food or residue. Leave labels on, flatten or stack plastic containers to reduce space required. |
Beside your blue box | YELLOW BAG Hoasehold paper — junk mail, envelopes, brochures, paper bags, egg cartons (fibre only); box packaging such as cereal, shoe boxes, paper towel cores, white and coloured office paper, telephone books. Remove liners, flatten packaging and place inside bag. Mo drinking boxes, paper towels or waxed paper. BLUE BAG Newspapers, inserts, sales flyers, magazines and catalogues. Remove magazine covers, perfumed inserts. Ho books or soiled newspapers. TEXTILES, CLOTHING AND LINENS Race clean textiles in a separate plastic shopping bag tied with string. CARDBOARD Packing boxes, liquor boxes. Flatten bundles and tie — no larger than 30 x 30 x 8. Place beside blue box. No waxed or coated boxes, soiled pizza boxes. |