
雅思真题试卷 四月 雅思口语真题 1

Question list

  • Can you tell me about your hometown?

  • What kind of things do you do on a typical day?

  • What form of transport do you usually use?

  • What kind of things do you enjoy doing with your friends?

  • What did you do last weekend?

  • What are your plans for after this test?

  • Describe something you have bought recently.

    You should say

    • what you bought
    • what it looks like
    • why you bought it

    and say whether you are pleased with your purchase.

  • If you could buy any new gadget you wanted, what would you choose and why?

  • Do you think people today spend too much money buying new things? (Why?)

  • Do you always want to buy the latest technology or are you happy with an older model? (Why?)

  • Why do you think older people struggle so much with new technology?

  • Are there any ways we could help them to adapt?

  • What changes in technology do you think we will see in the next 50 years?

  • Do you think we should always try to improve on existing technology or are some things better as they are? (Why?)



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