IELTS Mock Test 2022 December

IELTS Mock Test 2022 December

(566 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 27 Dec 2022
  • 模考人次: 442,934


Part 1: Question 1 - 10
  • 1 Cebrianatori 
  • 2 Grimsby Place 
  • 3 GB86BY 
  • 4 2 metres 
  • 5 3 metres 
  • 6 1.5 metre 
  • 7 home computer/fridge-freezer 
  • 8 fridge-freezer/home computer 
  • 9
  • 10
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 10
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 1 Cebrianatori 
  • 2 Grimsby Place 
  • 3 GB86BY 
  • 4 2 metres 
  • 5 3 metres 
  • 6 1.5 metre 
  • 7 home computer/fridge-freezer 
  • 8 fridge-freezer/home computer 
  • 9
  • 10
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
  • 11 Lion 
  • 12 Seal Pool 
  • 13 Arctic fox 
  • 14 Hippo 
  • 15 Petting Zoo 
  • 16 African hunting dog 
  • 17 Panda 
  • 18 Birds of prey 
  • 19
  • 20
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 11 - 20
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 11 Lion 
  • 12 Seal Pool 
  • 13 Arctic fox 
  • 14 Hippo 
  • 15 Petting Zoo 
  • 16 African hunting dog 
  • 17 Panda 
  • 18 Birds of prey 
  • 19
  • 20
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
  • 21 compulsory redundancies 
  • 22 top performers 
  • 23 company policy 
  • 24 a promotion/promoted 
  • 25 other members 
  • 26 4-6 
  • 27 Strategy 
  • 28 7-8 
  • 29 Marketing 
  • 30 promotional work 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 21 - 30
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 21 compulsory redundancies 
  • 22 top performers 
  • 23 company policy 
  • 24 a promotion/promoted 
  • 25 other members 
  • 26 4-6 
  • 27 Strategy 
  • 28 7-8 
  • 29 Marketing 
  • 30 promotional work 
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
  • 31 need for safety 
  • 32 6.5 centimetres 
  • 33 over the ground 
  • 34 certain spot 
  • 35 raised landing area 
  • 36 freeze 
  • 37 bird feed 
  • 38 surroundings 
  • 39 species 
  • 40 spring 
Correct answer: 0/10
See all
Answer Keys
Part 4: Question 31 - 40
Correct answer: 0/10
  • 31 need for safety 
  • 32 6.5 centimetres 
  • 33 over the ground 
  • 34 certain spot 
  • 35 raised landing area 
  • 36 freeze 
  • 37 bird feed 
  • 38 surroundings 
  • 39 species 
  • 40 spring 


(0 评分人数)
21 Nov 2023


Part 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-8

Fill in the details missing from the quotation form below.



Customer Quotation Form

Destination Country: Canada (Example)

Name: Marco 1

Collection Address: 25 2

Town: Grimsby

Postcode: 3

Size of Container:

Height: 4

Length: 5

Width: 6




sofa bed


Total Estimated Value: £5,000

  • 1 Answer: Cebrianatori
    • The keyword concerned in Q1 is “name”, “Marco

    • From this, we assume that the word needed can be a middle name or a surname.

    • Because the receptionist says that just a surname will be fine, the answer is Cebriantori.

    • Note: The only thing confuses the listeners is the middle name. Even though it is mentioned first, it is not necessarily the answer. We need to pay close attention to the following information.

  • 2 Answer: Grimsby Place
    • The key word concerned in Q2 is “collection address

    • From this we assume that the answer must be a name or a place.

    • It is quite easy to spot the answer because the man immediately tells the address after being asked, which is Grimsby Place. Furthermore, he also make sure that he provides the right address by asking again “you mean the address from where the goods will be collected?”

    • Some of the listeners may not be able to write “ Grimsby” correctly. However, if we look at the question carefully, we can see that “Grimsby” is written besides the next information, which is about town.

  • 3 Answer: GB86BY
    • The keyword concerned in Q3 is “postcode”.

    • From this, we assume that the answer is a set of numbers and letters.

    • The answer for this question is easy to notice since he tells us directly his postcode, which is GB8 6BY.

  • 4 Answer: 2 metres
    • The keyword concerned in Q4 is “ height”.

    • From this, we know that we need to fill in a number and a unit of measurement.

    • In the audio, when being asked about dimensions of the container he tells us that it ‘s two metres high. Here, “high” is associated with “height”. Hence, the answer is two metres.

  • 5 Answer: 3 metres
    • The keyword concerned in Q5 is “ length”.

    • From this, we know that we need to fill in a number and a unit of measurement.

    • It is also easy to answer this question because the man tells us that it’s three metres long. Here, “long” is associated with “length”. Thus, the answer is three metres

    • Note: It’s quite confusing to answer this question , because we expect him to say the length of the container after mentioning the height. However, he mentions the width first and then mentions the length. One solution is that we take note of the width and then try to listen to the next information, in case they don’t repeat the width again.

  • 6 Answer: 1.5 metre
    • The keyword concerned in Q6 is “ width”.

    • From this, we know that we need to fill in a number and a unit of measurement.

    • The man tells us that it’s one and a half across . Here, “across” is associated with “width”. Therefore, the answer is “one and a half”.

    • Note: It’s quite confusing to answer this question , because we expect him to say the length of the container after mentioning the height. However, he mentions the width first and then mentions the length. One solution is that we take note of the width and then try to listen to the next information, in case they don’t repeat the width again.

  • 7 Answer: home computer/fridge-freezer
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 and Q8 is “contents”.

    • From this , we assume that the answer must be an object for each question.

    • After being asked about the contents of the container, the main lists different things. “Well, to start with, there's my television. I'm also taking a brand-new sofa bed with me, as well as my fridge-freezer and home computer” . Hence, the answers for Q7 and Q8 are fridge-freezer and home computer. You can write “ fridge-freezer” for the Q7, home computer for Q8 or vice versa.

  • 8 Answer: fridge-freezer/home computer
    • The keyword concerned in Q7 and Q8 is “contents”.

    • From this , we assume that the answer must be an object for each question.

    • After being asked about the contents of the container, the main lists different things. “Well, to start with, there's my television. I'm also taking a brand-new sofa bed with me, as well as my fridge-freezer and home computer” . Hence, the answers for Q7 and Q8 are fridge-freezer and home computer. You can write “ fridge-freezer” for the Q7, home computer for Q8 or vice versa.

Questions 9-10

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


How is Marco going to pay the cost of shipping?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keywords concerned in Q9 are how,pay”, “cost of shipping”.

  • From the question, we assume that the answer must be related to cash or credit card.

  • When asked about the way to pay, the man suggests paying by credit card and the receptionist accepts. After that, the receptionist asks him if he is a card holder but the man says it’s actually his sister‘s account. Therefore, the answer is C.


What type of visa will Marco have when he enters Canada?

  • A
  • B
  • C
Answer: C
  • The keywords in Q10 are “ visa”, “when he enters Canada”.

  • From this, the answer must be a type of visa.

  • From the conversation we know that he is travelling on a working-holiday visa. Although he mentions a work-sponsored visa, this is the type of visa he hopes to secure after arrival. In other words, when he enters Canada he still doesn’t have a work-sponsored visa. He also mentions that his working-holiday visa allows him to stay in the country for 12 months, unlike a holiday visa that only allows him to stay for 60 days. Here, 12 months is synonymous with one year. Hence, the answer is C.

Audio Player

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源 2


Part 1

You will hear a telephone conversation between a customer and the receptionist at a courier company. First you have some time to look at questions 1-8.

[Pause 30 seconds]

You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

Sam: Good morning. This is Sam speaking. How may I help you?

Marco: Hi. My name is Marco and I'm calling to enquire about sending some goods to Canada.

Narrator: The destination country is Canada, so you write Canada in the space provided. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1-8.

Sam: Good morning. This is Sam speaking. How may I help you?

Marco: Hi. My name is Marco and I'm calling to enquire about sending some goods to Canada.

Sam: No problem. What's your full name please Marco?

Marco: My middle name is Pronto; that's P-R-O-N-T-O.

Sam: Sorry, Marco, just your surname will be fine; that's all we need for the form.

Marco: It's Cebrianatori; that's C-E-B-R-l-A-N-A-T-O-R-l.

Sam: Great, and your address please?

Marco: I live on Grimsby Place.

Sam: Grimsby Place; okay.

Marco: But wait, you mean the address from where the goods will be collected?

Sam: Right.

Marco: In that case I'd better give you my mum and dad's address; my stuff is there temporarily until I make the move. Same street; house number 25, in Grimsby, and the postcode is GB8 6BY.

Sam: Now Marco, tell me what you would like to have shipped.

Marco: I am moving to Canada, so I have a fairly big container for my belongings you'll understand.

Sam: Of course, what are the dimensions?

Marco: It's two metres high, one and a half across and three metres long.

Sam: My! That's huge!

Marco: Tell me about it! Moving day is going to be a nightmare!

Sam: And what will this container 'contain' then?

Marco: Well, to start with, there's my television. I'm also taking a brand-new sofa bed with me, as well as my fridge-freezer and home computer.

Sam: I see. That all sounds rather valuable, do you know the total value of the goods in the container?

Marco: Yes, I estimate about £5,000.

Narrator: Before listening to the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 9-10. [Pause 30 seconds] Now listen and answer questions 9-10.

Sam: Excellent. Now, shipping to Canada is not by any means cheap these days, so this is going to cost you £500.

Marco: That would nearly pay for a new TV and sofa!

Sam: It's a lot of money, isn't it? But, as I said, shipping is an expensive business. How do you intend to pay then Marco?

Marco: Credit card okay?

Sam: Fine. I assume you are the card holder?

Marco: Actually it's my sister's account; money's a little tight for me at the moment with the expense of the move, so it's either a case of ask sis or ask the parents - which would you choose?

Sam: I see what you mean! Okay, I'll take the details in a moment and confirm the collection date, but first let me just ask you a few questions about your move to Canada; the Canadian government requires all shipping companies to carry out a thorough check before agreeing to ship goods into the country, and part of that check is a personal profile of our customers, you see. So, why are you moving to Canada?

Marco: My girlfriend is Canadian. I'm going to live with her.

Sam: And what will be your employment status over there?

Marco: Well, I'm travelling on a working-holiday visa, but I hope to secure a work-sponsored visa shortly after arrival.

Sam: (to himself) I see; a holiday visa?

Marco: No, a working-holiday visa; that allows me to stay in the country for 12 months as opposed to 60 days with a holiday visa.

Sam: Okay, no... (fading)

Narrator: That's the end of Part 1. You have half a minute to check your answers. [Pause 30 seconds]

Now turn to Part 2.


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