
雅思真题试卷 六 雅思口语真题 6

Question list

  • Are there many public or national holidays in your country?

  • Do you think there are enough public holidays?

  • Do you like going away on holidays?

  • Tell me something about your last holiday?

  • Do you always like to go to the same place for your holiday?

  • Where would you like to go for your next holiday?

  • Describe a holiday you would like to go on.

    You should say:

    • what place you would like to go to
    • how you would like to get there
    • what you would like to do while you were there

    and explain why you would like to go on this holiday.

  • Which places in your country do visitors enjoy visiting most?

  • What are some of the benefits of going away on holiday?

  • Have there been any recent changes in the types of holiday that are popular in your country?

  • What kinds of benefits might a significant increase in tourist numbers bring to a location?

  • What are some of the negative effects of a dramatic increase in tourism?

  • What developments affecting international travel might there be in the future?



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