雅思真题试卷 五 雅思口语真题 6
Question list
Do you have a large family or a small family?
Can you tell me something about them?
How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?
What sorts of things do you like to do together?
Did/ Do you get on well with your family? Why?
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.
You should say:
• where you met him/her.
• what subject he/she taught.
• what was special about him/her.
and explain why this person influenced you so much.
How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?
How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?