
雅思真题试卷 五月 雅思口语真题 3

Question list

  • Describe your education

    What is your area of specialization?

  • Why did you choose to study that major?

  • Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)

  • What kind of school did you go to as a child?

  • What was your favorite subject as a child?

  • Do you think your country has an effective education system?

  • Are you looking forward to working?

  • Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?

  • What made you happy when you were little?

  • What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?

  • When do you feel happy at work? Why?

  • Do you feel happy when buying new things?

  • Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

  • Do you like wearing T-shirts?

  • How often do you wear T-shirts?

  • Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?

  • Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?

  • Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

  • Describe a website you often visit

    You should say:

    • What it is about
    • How you found out about it
    • How often you visit it

    And explain why you often visit it

  • What are the most popular and least popular apps in China?

  • What's the difference between the internet and television?

  • Why do some people like to read the news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?

  • Is the library still necessary? Why?

  • What kinds of people would still go to the library to read and study?

  • What are the differences between old people and young people when they use the internet?





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