
雅思真题试卷 三 雅思口语真题 2

Question list

  • What’s your favourite colour? [Why?]

  • Do you like the same colours now as you did when you were younger? [Why/Why not?]

  • What can you learn about a person from the colours they like?

  • Do any colours have a special meaning in your culture?

  • There will soon be a public holiday in the country your examiner comes from. You want to find out about the holiday.

    You should say:

    the name of the public holiday

    the significance of the holiday

    availability of services on the day (banks/shops/cinemas)

    things for visitors to do

    how she/he plans to spend the day

  • Why do you think people go on holiday?

  • How important is it for families to go on holiday together?

  • Why do some people go on holiday alone?

  • What kind of holidays will be popular in the future?

  • Is it better to take a holiday in your own country or in a foreign country? Why?

  • What problems can people have on holiday in a foreign country?



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