
雅思口语真题 1


What kinds of places are crowded? 00:00
Do you like to go to crowded places? 00:16
Why do some people like to go to crowded places? 00:51
Are there many animals or birds where you live? 01:19
How often do you watch programmes or read articles about wild animals? 01:49
Have you ever been to a zoo or a wildlife park? 02:22
Would you like to have a job working with animals? 02:56
Describe a website you use that helps you a lot in your work or studies 00:00

You should say:

What the website it

How often you use the website

What information the website gives you

And explain how your work or studies would change if this website didn’t exist

Why do some people find the Internet addictive? 00:00
What would the world be like without the Internet? 00:44
Do you think that the way people use the Internet may change in the future? 01:40
Social media websites What are the ways that social media can be used for positive purposes? 02:57
Why do some individuals post highly negative comments about other people on social media? 04:05
Do you think that companies’ main form of advertising will be social media in the future? 04:36