IELTS Mock Test 2021 April

IELTS Mock Test 2021 April

(1,467 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 27 Apr 2021
  • 模考人次: 724,688


Part 1: Question 1 - 12
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4 visual 
  • 5 1/one second 
  • 6 the sun 
  • 7 waggle 
  • 8 odour 
  • 9 FALSE 
  • 10 TRUE 
  • 11 NOT GIVEN 
  • 12 FALSE 
Correct answer: 0/12
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 12
Correct answer: 0/12
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4 visual 
  • 5 1/one second 
  • 6 the sun 
  • 7 waggle 
  • 8 odour 
  • 9 FALSE 
  • 10 TRUE 
  • 11 NOT GIVEN 
  • 12 FALSE 
Part 2: Question 15 - 25
  • 13 15 B,C,E 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
Correct answer: 0/13
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 15 - 25
Correct answer: 0/13
  • 13 15 B,C,E 
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
Part 3: Question 26 - 40
  • 26 FALSE 
  • 27 FALSE 
  • 28 NOT GIVEN 
  • 29 TRUE 
  • 30 TRUE 
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 four/4 
  • 37 collective goals 
  • 38 inhibitors 
  • 39 humour 
  • 40 monitored 
Correct answer: 0/15
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 26 - 40
Correct answer: 0/15
  • 26 FALSE 
  • 27 FALSE 
  • 28 NOT GIVEN 
  • 29 TRUE 
  • 30 TRUE 
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 four/4 
  • 37 collective goals 
  • 38 inhibitors 
  • 39 humour 
  • 40 monitored 


Ali Rubass 9.015:41
Sithisak Leak 9.015:51
Hoa Tran 9.015:58
4 Naziya M 9.016:00
5 abcd efgh 9.016:09
6 Nithaya XATAKOUNE 9.016:19
7 Phạm Huy 9.016:19
8 Junhyuk Bae 9.016:59
9 Chanda Kumari 9.017:14
10 Hân Phan 9.017:55


(2 评分人数)
24 Oct 2023


本套试卷详细解析内容暂未上线,教研正在加班整理中, 敬请期待
Part 1: Questions 1-12

Questions 1-3

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 1 – 3 on your answer sheet.



  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage



A. have a rudimentary ability to convey information

B. have clearly segregated roles

C. are found in equal numbers of male and female

D. often relocate to areas with certain types of flower

1/ As a result, they maintain strict divisions of labour, based on sex, with all males functioning as drones to fertilize and care for the eggs, and all females, with the exception of the single fertile queen, responsible for fetching nectar for the colony’s progeny.

2/ In addition, honeybees have devised a sophisticated system of communication to relay important information from member to member.

  • According to the paragraph, honeybees have devised a sophisticated system of communication. As “sophisticated” is the antonym of “rudimentary”, choice A is incorrect.

  • Choice C and Choice D is incorrect as no information about the honeybees’ number is mentioned whatsoever.

  • Honeybees allocate different work based on their gender. While the males are responsible for fertilizing and taking care of the eggs, females have to find nectar. In other words, honeybees have clearly segregated roles. Thus, choice B is correct.


  • Sophisticated = Complicated

  • Rudimentary = Basic


Research conducted in the 1970s

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: C

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage


Research conducted in the 1970s

A . was undertaken using traditional hives.

B. determined that forager bees had special markings.

C. closely studied the phenomenon of the honeybee body language.

D. concluded that there was no discernible pattern to the movement of the bees.

1/ This so-called honeybee dance was first interpreted by German zoologist Karl von Frisch in the early 1970s.

2/ To facilitate observation, von Frisch and his students built several glass walled hives and marked a collection of worker bees, or foragers, with paint.

3/ when the bees returned he carefully recorded their movements, the angle and direction of their flight, and any additional visual cues offered to the colony.

4/ What von Frisch discovered was that each aspect of the dance indicated certain details about the location of the nectar reserves and recruited others to return to the site.

  • Glass walled hives were needed to be built to accommodate the research, which means that no traditional hive was used. Therefore, choice A is incorrect.

  • The researchers marked the foragers with paint to make it easier for them to observe. This does not mean that the whole research determined that forager bees had special markings. Therefore, choice B is incorrect.

  • Karl discovered that each aspect of the honeybee dance indicated certain details about the nectar’s location and recruited others to return to the site. Therefore, the dance pattern must be very different to imply each purpose. Thus, choice D is incorrect.

  • Karl observed the bees’ movements, flight’s angle and direction, etc. and successfully discovered the relationship between the honeybee dance and the actual information they wanted to convey. In other words, the research conducted in the 1970s closely studied the phenomenon of the honeybee body language. Therefore, choice C is correct.


To identify that the source of nectar is close, forager bees

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: D

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage


To identify that the source of nectar is close, forager bees

A. will repeatedly fly the same direction

B. will begin to move only when other bees are watching

C. will run straight forward

D. will repeat a pattern of flying in one direction then abruptly reversing direction

1/ If it is less than 50 meters from the colony’s nest the bee will fly around in narrow circles, and then suddenly fly in the opposite direction.

2/ She will repeat this pattern, which von Frisch’s team called the round dance, until she has recruited several other workers to return with her to the field.

3/ When the distance is greater than 50 meters, but less than 150 meters, she will perform a sickle dance, a crescent shaped flight course.

4/ If the field is farther than 150 meters, the forager will act out a waggle dance in which she will run straight ahead briefly before returning to her original position in a semi-circular movement.

  • The bees’ movement is compared through 3 types of distances: less than 50 meters, from 50 meters to 150 meters and further than 150 meters. As the question mainly concerns the circumstance when the nectar’s location is close to the nest, the honeybees’ behavior when the nectar source is less than 50 meters from the nest is what we need.

  • In this case, the bee will fly around in narrow circles, and then suddenly fly in the opposite direction. She will repeat this pattern until other workers join her. In other words, the bees will repeat a pattern of flying in one direction (fly around in narrow circles), then abruptly reversing direction (fly in the opposite direction). Therefore, choice D is correct.

Questions 4-8

Complete the sentences below USING NO MORE THAN TWO AND/OR A NUMBER.

Write your answers in boxes 4- 8 on your answer sheet.

Von Frisch focussed on a number of 4 clues to deduce how bees communicated.

The bee will move forward for 5 for every 1000 metres away the food source is.

To locate the direction of the nectar, the forager will base its movements on the position of 6

For food sources over 150 metres away, the forager will indicate distance with a 7 dance.

It has been argued that 8 as well as movement may help to locate food sources.

  • 4 Answer: visual

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Von Frisch focused on a number of Q4________ clues to deduce how bees communicated.

    when the bees returned he carefully recorded their movements, the angle and direction of their flight, and any additional visual cues offered to the colony.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be an adjective.

    • Movements, flight’s angle and direction and additional visual cues were observed throughout the research. As implied in the keywords, the answer for this question must be “visual”.

  • 5 Answer: 1/one second

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    The bee will move forward for Q5______ for every 1000 metres away the food source is.

    The length of the forward run coincides with the distance of the food supplies; for example, a 2.5 second run indicates that the nectar was found about 2500 meters way.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer can be a period of time.

    • From the passage, we learn that a 2.5 second run indicates that the nectar is 2500 meters away. As the length of the run coincides with the distance, a 1000 meter distance will be equivalent to 1 second. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “1 second”.

    Note: “2.5 seconds” can be mistaken as the answer. However, as the distance in the question is 1000 metres, it only takes the bee 1 second to run forward.

  • 6 Answer: the sun

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    To locate the direction of the nectar, the forager will base its movements on the position of Q6_______

    1/ Recruits also need to know the direction in which they should fly to arrive at the appropriate foraging location, and this information is communicated via the bee’s angular orientation to the hive. It, however, is not a direct connection to the position of the food supplies from the hive, but its location relative to the sun.

    2/ Therefore if the food is situated directly opposite from the sun, the bee will fly a straight run vertically downward; if it is in the same direction as the sun, it will fly directly upward from the colony nest. A position 60 degrees to the right of the sun will prompt the bee to fly downwards at a 60 degrees angle toward the right of the nest. Moreover, because the sun is in constant motion throughout the day, the bee’s orientation will shift depending on the time at which the dance is performed.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Bees utilize the relationship between the food’s location and the sun to figure out which direction they need to fly to arrive at the food’s location. The above passage gives a bunch of examples indicating the importance of the sun. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “the sun”.

  • 7 Answer: waggle

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    For food sources over 150 metres away, the forager will indicate distance with a Q7______ dance.

    If the field is farther than 150 meters, the forager will act out a waggle dance.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer can be a noun or an adjective.

    • If the nectar’s location is further than 150 meters, the forager will do a waggle dance. Therefore, the missing word is “waggle”.

  • 8 Answer: odour

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    It has been argued that Q8_______ as well as movement may help to locate food sources.

    Sceptics of von Frisch’s findings, however, claim that visual cues are not enough to provide all the clues necessary to convey the location of a food resource. Several scientists, among them Adrian Wenner, believe that the dance is only one component of honeybee communications; odour is the second key element.

    • From the question, we can assume that the answer must be a noun.

    • Several scientists argued that apart from the dance, odour also plays a vital role in the food locating process. Therefore, the answer for this question must be “odour”.

Questions 9-12


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-12, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.


  • Honeybees are characterised by their ability to produce liquefied sugar (honey) and a propensity to construct colonial nests using wax, two tasks that necessitate a significant level of social integration among members. As a result, they maintain strict divisions of labour, based on sex, with all males functioning as drones to fertilize and care for the eggs, and all females, with the exception of the single fertile queen, responsible for fetching nectar for the colony’s progeny. In addition, honeybees have devised a sophisticated system of communication to relay important information from member to member.
  • Perhaps the most intriguing feature of honeybee communication is a series of flight moves only performed by a female worker bee that has returned to the nest with nectar and needs to tell the rest of her colony that she has discovered food supplies and where they can be found. This so-called honeybee dance was first interpreted by German zoologist Karl von Frisch in the early 1970s. To facilitate observation, von Frisch and his students built several glass walled hives and marked a collection of worker bees, or foragers, with paint. He then trained those foragers to find nectar at designated sources at various distances from the hives, and when the bees returned he carefully recorded their movements, the angle and direction of their flight, and any additional visual cues offered to the colony. What von Frisch discovered was that each aspect of the dance indicated certain details about the location of the nectar reserves and recruited others to return to the site.
  • The first piece of information conveyed by dancing bees is the distance of the field to the hive, and they do this in one of three ways. If it is less than 50 meters from the colony’s nest the bee will fly around in narrow circles, and then suddenly fly in the opposite direction. She will repeat this pattern, which von Frisch’s team called the round dance, until she has recruited several other workers to return with her to the field. When the distance is greater than 50 meters, but less than 150 meters, she will perform a sickle dance, a crescent shaped flight course. If the field is farther than 150 meters, the forager will act out a waggle dance in which she will run straight ahead briefly before returning to her original position in a semi-circular movement. Then, she will run forward again and return from the opposite side. The length of the forward run coincides with the distance of the food supplies; for example, a 2.5 second run indicates that the nectar was found about 2500 meters way.
  • Recruits also need to know the direction in which they should fly to arrive at the appropriate foraging location, and this information is communicated via the bee’s angular orientation to the hive. It, however, is not a direct connection to the position of the food supplies from the hive, but its location relative to the sun. Therefore if the food is situated directly opposite from the sun, the bee will fly a straight run vertically downward; if it is in the same direction as the sun, it will fly directly upward from the colony nest. A position 60 degrees to the right of the sun will prompt the bee to fly downwards at a 60 degrees angle toward the right of the nest. Moreover, because the sun is in constant motion throughout the day, the bee’s orientation will shift depending on the time at which the dance is performed. Sceptics of von Frisch’s findings, however, claim that visual cues are not enough to provide all the clues necessary to convey the location of a food resource. Several scientists, among them Adrian Wenner, believe that the dance is only one component of honeybee communications; odour is the second key element. Using robotic bees to perform the same dances, Wenner was unable to attract new recruits to the foraging activities; however, when he added a bit of nectar to the robot, workers quickly followed. He also discovered that the odors must be representative of the actual flowers containing the food source; otherwise the bees will arrive at the site, but not know which ones will be profitable.


Great thanks to volunteer Uc Bu who has contributed these explanations and markings.

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