
雅思口语真题 1


What do you study? 00:00
Why did you choose this major? 00:14
What work do young people want to do? 00:35
What is the most interesting thing about your work? 01:13
Do you prefer to work in the morning or evening? 01:46
Why is your job important to you? 02:25
What are your responsibilities at work? 03:26
What are the ways that you can improve your skills at work? 04:07
Describe a child you know. 00:00

You should say:

how old is he or she

what does s/he look like

how you two are related

and explain why do you like / dislike this child.

What kind of mistakes do children make at school? 00:00
Do you think it’s okay for children to make mistakes? 00:43
How to teach a child it's OK to make mistakes? 01:15
Do you think these mistakes will vanish as they grow up or they will be carried on in their lives? 03:12
Why do people have the tendency to make the same mistakes? 04:11
Do you think people who use different devices (e.g. calculators) make mistakes less often? 04:57