You will hear a woman talking on the telephone to a man about a car he is selling.
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer
Car for sale (Mini) |
Example Age of car: just under 13 years old |
Colour: 1 Mileage: 2 Previous owner was a 3 Current owner has used car mainly for 4 Price: may accept offers from 5 £ 5 (Note: 6 not due for 5 months) Condition: good (recently serviced) Will need a new 7 soon Minor problem with a 8 Viewing Agreed to view the car on 9 Address: 238, 10 Road. |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Car for sale Example: Age of car: just under 13 years old Q1. Colour: _________ | Woman: - So it’s a Mini ... Man: - Yep. Woman: - ... and how old is it? Man: - Just coming up to thirteen years old. Woman: - And I seem to remember from the ad that it’s grey? Man: - That’s it ... doesn’t show the dirt! |
+ Take note that the colour will be mentioned after the age of car in the example + According to the conversation, the woman asked if it were grey, and the man agreed + The answer should be grey/gray |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q2. Mileage: _________ | Woman: - Absolutely ... anyway the colour shouldn’t be a problem for Jeff, you know, the important thing is the quality ... Man: - Yes, of course. Woman: - And what about mileage ... with it being pretty old it’s probably over a hundred thousand? Man: - Actually it’s forty thousand less than that ... sixty-two thousand on the clock! Woman: - Great! I remember now ... I’m confusing it with another ad I was looking at. |
+ A number is what needed here, according to the conversation, the woman wondered if the mileage is probably over a hundred thousand, but the man corrected it, which is only sixty-two thousand + Only one word/number is allowed, so the answer should be the number: 62000 |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q3. Previous owner was a ________ | Man: - Right ... pleasant surprise then. Woman: - Yeah. Have you been the only owner ... or was there a previous one...? Man: - I’m the second one. Before it was owned by a teacher ... who was a very careful driver - didn’t have any accidents. |
+ A noun is needed here, pay attention on the keyword “Previous owner”, the woman asked whether there were a previous owner after the mileage + According to the reply, the man is the second owner, and it was owned by a teacher before + The answer should be teacher |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q4. Current owner has used car mainly for ________ | Woman: Very good. And what about you ... what do you tend to use it for? Man: I haven’t used it all that much ... mostly for shopping ... you know the sort of thing. Woman: So not much wear and tear. I’ll make a note of that. I know Jeff wanted me to check that. Man: Right. |
+ A noun is needed here, it’s about the purpose of the man when using the car + As the woman asked “what do you tend to use it for?”, the man replied that he mostly used it for shopping + So, the answer should be shopping |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q5. Price: may accept offers from £________ | Woman: Now about the price, I see you’ve got it down as one thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds. I’m not sure Jeff’ll be able to come up with that amount. Man: In the ad I did say one thousand, two hundred and fifty or nearest offer ... Woman: So would you be prepared to go down to one thousand? Man: That’s really too low, I’m afraid. Woman: One thousand, one hundred? Man: I might be able to go to that. |
+ A number is needed here, we should pay attention on both how the price goes, and about the reply + According to the conversation, the price on the ad was one thousand, two hundred and fifty or nearest offer; the man refused the first offer: one thousand as it’s too low, but he said he “might be able to go to that.” with one thousand, one hundred + Only one word/number allowed, so the answer should be 1100 |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q6. Note: _______ not due for 5 months | Woman: OK I’ll make a note of that. What about tax? Is it due soon? Man: Got another five months before it’s due ... Woman: Oh, that’s a real plus, yes. I’ll make a note of that ... |
+ A noun is what needed here, if you’re not familiar with the car tax and can’t guess, you should stick to the keywords “not due for 5 months” + As the woman asked “What about tax? Is it due soon?”, the man replied that it got another five months before it’s due + The answer should be tax |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q7. Condition: good (recently serviced) Will need a new _______ soon | Woman: Now, you say it’s in good condition. Man: For its age, I’d say yes, definitely. It’s just been serviced and there were no major problems. Woman: Major? Man: I’d be able to show you the service report. The only thing is you’d have to get a new tyre in the near future ... though it’s still OK, you know, it’s certainly absolutely safe, at the moment. Woman: OK, fair enough. Yes, I understand. |
+ Another noun is needed here, and it’s a part of the car + As the conversation continued, we can hear the condition part, which was good, and the man said that the woman would have to get a new tyre in the near future + The answer here should be tyre, you can also write tire, since the meaning is the same |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q8. Minor problem with a ________ | Man: And the garage also mentioned that one headlight could probably do with replacing - they think there’s a fault there, you know, intermittent ... Woman: Well, we’d obviously look at all the documents ... but that sounds very straightforward. |
+ Another noun is needed here, and it’s also a part of the car + According to the man, the garage suggested that one headlight should be replace due to its intermittent, we can call that a minor problem since it’s coming with the service from previous question. + The answer here should be headlight |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q9. Viewing Agreed to view the car on … | Woman: Well, it all sounds pretty good and I know my brother will be interested. So, would it be possible for him to see the car ... he’s back from his trip tomorrow ... and away tonight, so how about tomorrow? Man: ... tomorrow ... Wednesday? I’m afraid that’s not possible. I’m out pretty much all day. Woman: Well, Thursday then? Man: That’d be fine, yeah. Woman: In the morning? Man: Yes, that’d suit me perfectly. |
+ The rule of this section is NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER, so normal date won’t be suitable, a day in the week is what should be here + According to the conversation, the woman asked when can her brother “see the car”, she suggest “tomorrow” - Wednesday but it’s not possible + The man agreed with the second suggestion: Thursday + The answer here should be Thursday |
Keywords in Questions | Similar words in Passage |
Q10. Address: 238, … road | Man: Now, you’ll need my address. Woman: Oh yes, of course! What is it? Man: It’s number two hundred and thirty-eight, Woman: Two-three-eight ... Man: London Road. Woman: Oh that’s easy enough! Man: Yes, very straightforward. |
+ A road’s name is required, pay attention to those come with the number 238 and Road + As the conversation continued, the man told the woman his address, the number came first, and was repeated once, and it’s on London Road. + The answer should be London |
Hello, Brian Parks speaking.
Oh hello, I’m calling about the advert in the paper ...
For the car?
Er, yes, the Mini you’ve got advertised for sale.
Oh yes?
I just wanted to find out a bit more information.
Of course, what would you like to know?
It’s my brother who’s interested actually ... but he’s not in today so he asked me to call you. Fine ...
Great, thanks. So it’s a Mini ...
... and how old is it?
Just coming up to thirteen years old.
And I seem to remember from the ad that it’s grey?
That’s it ... doesn’t show the dirt!
Absolutely ... anyway the colour shouldn’t be a problem for Jeff, you know, the important thing is the quality ...
Yes, of course.
And what about mileage ... with it being pretty old it’s probably over a hundred thousand?
Actually it’s forty thousand less than that ... sixty-two thousand on the clock!
Great! I remember now ... I’m confusing it with another ad I was looking at.
Right ... pleasant surprise then.
Yeah. Have you been the only owner ... or was there a previous one ... ?
I’m the second one. Before it was owned by a teacher ... who was a very careful driver - didn’t have any accidents.
Woman: Very good. And what about you ... what do you tend to use it for?
Man: I haven’t used it all that much ... mostly for shopping ... you know the sort of thing.
Woman: So not much wear and tear. I’ll make a note of that. I know Jeff wanted me to check that.
Man: Right.
Woman: Now about the price, I see you’ve got it down as one thousand, two hundred and fifty pounds. I’m not sure Jeff’ll be able to come up with that amount.
Man: In the ad I did say one thousand, two hundred and fifty or nearest offer ...
Woman: So would you be prepared to go down to one thousand?
Man: That’s really too low, I’m afraid.
Woman: One thousand, one hundred?
Man: I might be able to go to that.
Woman: OK I’ll make a note of that. What about tax? Is it due soon?
Man: Got another five months before it’s due ...
Woman: Oh, that’s a real plus, yes. I’ll make a note of that ...
Man: OK.
Woman: Now, you say it’s in good condition.
Man: For its age, I’d say yes, definitely. It’s just been serviced and there were no major problems.
Woman: Major ... ?
Man: I’d be able to show you the service report. The only thing is you’d have to get a new tyre in the near future ... though it’s still OK, you know, it’s certainly absolutely safe, at the moment.
Woman: OK, fair enough. Yes, I understand.
Man: And the garage also mentioned that one headlight could probably do with replacing - they think there’s a fault there, you know, intermittent ...
Woman: Well, we’d obviously look at all the documents ... but that sounds very straightforward.
Man: Of course. I’ve got all the service documents up-to-date and you can look at those.
Woman: Well, it all sounds pretty good and I know my brother will be interested. So, would it be possible for him to see the car ... he’s back from his trip tomorrow ... and away tonight, so how about tomorrow?
Man: ... tomorrow ... Wednesday? I’m afraid that’s not possible. I’m out pretty much all day.
Woman: Well, Thursday then?
Man: That’d be fine, yeah.
Woman: In the morning?
Man: Yes, that’d suit me perfectly.
Woman: Great.
Man: Now, you’ll need my address.
Woman: Oh yes, of course! What is it?
Man: It’s number two hundred and thirty-eight,
Woman: Two-three-eight ...
Man: London Road.
Woman: Oh that’s easy enough!
Man: Yes, very straightforward.
Woman: So I’ll pass on these notes to Jeff and he’ll see you in a couple ...