Prepare for IELTS General Training Volume 1

Prepare for IELTS General Training Volume 1

(1,851 评分人数)
  • 发布时间: 06 Feb 2021
  • 模考人次: 887,026


Part 1: Question 1 - 14
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 texture 
  • 8 more resilient 
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 1: Question 1 - 14
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7 texture 
  • 8 more resilient 
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
Part 2: Question 15 - 28
  • 15 iv 
  • 16 vi 
  • 17 vii 
  • 18
  • 19 ii 
  • 20 ix 
  • 21 iii 
  • 22 effective/appropriate 
  • 23 a new approach 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
Correct answer: 0/14
See all
Answer Keys
Part 2: Question 15 - 28
Correct answer: 0/14
  • 15 iv 
  • 16 vi 
  • 17 vii 
  • 18
  • 19 ii 
  • 20 ix 
  • 21 iii 
  • 22 effective/appropriate 
  • 23 a new approach 
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
Part 3: Question 29 - 40
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 integral 
  • 37 self-expression 
  • 38 social divide 
  • 39 frowned upon 
  • 40 the advent 
Correct answer: 0/12
See all
Answer Keys
Part 3: Question 29 - 40
Correct answer: 0/12
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36 integral 
  • 37 self-expression 
  • 38 social divide 
  • 39 frowned upon 
  • 40 the advent 


Crystal Fidel 9.015:43
Inderjit Singh 9.016:24
Oluwamayowa Oshikoya 9.016:34
4 Lady Álvarez 9.016:36
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6 Angelo Endrinal 9.017:41
7 tata remedio 9.017:56
8 Kiệt Trần 9.018:34
9 Francine Aoungue 9.023:24
10 L B 9.025:09
10 techniques for IELTS Listening

10 techniques for IELTS Listening

These 10 IELTS Listening Tips provide you with essential strategies to help you get the score you need in the exam and show you how to improve...

(391 评分人数)
13 Oct 2020


Part 1: Questions 1-14

Questions 1-5

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.



  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: C

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

From Q1 to Q4, we can use a technique called skimming (quickly read the whole passage to understand its meaning, structure and the main content of each paragraph) to get the main idea of a paragraph. We start to read and answer the questions after skimming.

When skimming, you should pay attention to these details:

  • topic sentences

  • concluding sentences

  • how the ideas are organized

A small tip: In this kind of question, normally one paragraph goes with one question only. To be more specific, if paragraph A is the answer for question 1, there will be very little chance for it to appear in another question.

In case the question has some personal, place names or the name of a brand, a conference etc (which are capitalized), we had better use another technique called scanning to search for the information.

Q1: Gonzalez has yet to produce a publicly approved design.

Whilst Gonzalez may have had trouble previously convincing a skeptical public as to the merits of his remote-controlled 'Hop!' suitcase in 2014, this time he may actually be onto a winner.


It is clear from the passage that in the past, the benefits of the design of Gonzalez were not declared by the public, hence the answer is C.


Action on plastic pollution is necessary since

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: C

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q2: Action on plastic pollution is necessary since the debris from plastic water bottles is polluting the ocean.

The need for such an invention is quite patent. Discarded plastic bottles make up an alarming statistic: there are 46,000 pieces of floating plastic originating from plastic bottles for every square mile of the ocean.


After reading the passage, we realize that the author emphasizes on the importance of action related to plastic pollution. In the latter sentence, the statistic prove that the ocean is being polluted by the pieces from plastic bottles, thus the answer is C


People may hesitate to consume the Ooho bottle

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q3: People may hesitate to consume the Ooho bottle because of its unattractive appearance and feel.

For a start, the 'bottle' itself is more reminiscent of a beach-stranded jellyfish in appearance than a conventional water bottle. Translucent and squishy in texture, it would probably take a very committed environmentalist to be able to actually consume the bottle when it's empty.


In the passage, the author compares the appearance of the Ooho bottle with a dead jellyfish to point out the unattractiveness of it. When it comes to the feel, the Ooho bottle is described to be translucent and squishy, which can prove that both the look and feel the bottle gives its users are uncomfortable. Therefore, the answer is B.


Structurally, the Ooho bottle is

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q4: Structurally, the Ooho bottle is as strong as the skin found in fruit.

With regard to the former problem, the bottles are somewhat flimsy in construction. Gonzalez, however, is currently working on a fortified bottle with a double membrane construction but has yet to produce a bottle that is more resilient than the skin found in fruit.


The passage points out that the problem here is the structure of the Ooho bottle. It is also noted that Gonzalez has not produced the bottle with more resilient skin than that of fruit, hence the skin of the bottle is proved to be just as strong as the one found in fruit. Therefore, the answer is B.


The manufacture of Ooho bottles is

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: B

Keywords in Questions

Similar words in Passage

Q5: The manufacture of Ooho bottles is a process that needs refining.

So it's back to the drawing board as regards the finer points of retailing the bottles.


The sentence mentions that the finer points of retailing the bottles should be regarded whilst manufacturing the bottle, which means the refinement of the process is required, thus the answer is B.

Question 6

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in box 6 on your answer sheet.


Choose the most suitable title for the text from the list below.

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Answer: D

Keywords in Questions

Q6: The edible water bottle as a possible solution to plastic pollution.


Answer A talks about the attitude of the public, which is not emphasized in the article at all, there is only a little part of paragraph 1 mentions the attitude of the public towards the Ooho bottle, not the pollution.

Answer B notes that the main idea of the text is problems in producing the Ooho bottle while it is only a little idea in paragraph 4 of the text.

Answer C is a little like answer B, the idea in answer C is just a little idea in paragraph 2 to boost the importance of Ooho bottle.

Answer D emphasizes that the Ooho bottle can solve the problem of solution. We can realize from the text that the author has the same idea, although talking about demerits of Ooho bottle and its manufacture, the advantages of the bottle are mentioned to advocate the use of it to protent the environment. For all those reasons, the answer is D.

Questions 7-8

Complete the following sentences using words from the text.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each sentence.

The very 7 of Gonzalez’s water bottle makes it unappealing to consume.

Gonzalez’s bottles need to be 8 to withstand handling and transportation.

  • 7 Answer: texture

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q7: The very _______ of Gonzalez’s water bottle makes it unappealing to consume.

    Translucent and squishy in texture, it would probably take a very committed environmentalist to be able to actually consume the bottle when it's empty.


    This blank should be a noun, as it follows "The very".

    The passage mentions that only committed environmentalist will consume the bottle when it’s empty, which means other people will not consider consuming the bottle as the texture is unappealing.

    For that reason, the answer is "texture ".

  • 8 Answer: more resilient

    Keywords in Questions

    Similar words in Passage

    Q8: Gonzalez’s bottles need to be __________

    to withstand handling and transportation.

    Gastronomic failings apart, Ooho bottles also present challenges for storage and hygiene. With regard to the former problem, the bottles are somewhat flimsy in construction. Gonzalez, however, is currently working on a fortified bottle with a double membrane construction but has yet to produce a bottle that is more resilient than the skin found in fruit.


    This blank should be filled with an adjective, as it follows "to be".

    The keyword in the question is "handling and transportation", which are referred to in the passage as the former problem between storage and hygiene.

    The author also notes that the problem is being solved by Gonzales working on a more resilient bottle.

    Therefore, the answer is "more resilient".

Questions 9-14

Reading passage 1

Read the text below and answer Questions 1-8.

If you want to be healthy and save the environment at the same time, then the edible water bottle is probably right up your street! A creation of design student Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez, this ingenious container could be the answer to plastic pollution. Whilst Gonzalez may have had trouble previously convincing a sceptical public as to the merits of his remote-controlled 'Hop!' suitcase in 2014, this time he may actually be onto a winner.

The need for such an invention is quite patent. Discarded plastic bottles make up an alarming statistic: there are 46,000 pieces of floating plastic originating from plastic bottles for every square mile of the ocean. Add to that the 1.5 million tonnes of crude oil required annually to manufacture enough bottles to provide the 50 billion plastic bottles supplied annually to the US, and it's clear that something needs to be done.

Whilst environmentalists may be pinning their hopes on Gonzalez's invention to reduce plastic pollution, the prototype edible plastic bottle, christened 'Ooho/ is however very much in its early stages. For a start, the 'bottle' itself is more reminiscent of a beach-stranded jellyfish in appearance than a conventional water bottle. Translucent and squishy in texture, it would probably take a very committed environmentalist to be able to actually consume the bottle when it's empty. Ooho's inventor does however claim in its favour that the taste is at least palatable even if the flavour is somewhat nondescript.

Gastronomic failings apart, Ooho bottles also present challenges for storage and hygiene. With regard to the former problem, the bottles are somewhat flimsy in construction. Gonzalez, however, is currently working on a fortified bottle with a double membrane construction but has yet to produce a bottle that is more resilient than the skin found in fruit. As for the latter problem of hygiene, well, would you like to consume a casing that has been manhandled throughout manufacture, transportation and again by countless consumers when placed on the shelves in supermarkets? A solution would be to encase the bottles of course in a hermetically sealed outer covering; but to encase them in a plastic casing defeats the whole point of the object of reducing plastic pollution. So it's back to the drawing board as regards the finer points of retailing the bottles.

Gonzalez, though, is not to be deterred by the finer points of construction weaknesses and hygiene issues. Currently he has secured a creative commons licence for his project, which means that his Ooho bottle will soon be available for sale online. Hopefully all teething problems to date will have resolved themselves by the time online sales go ahead. In the meantime, those who are truly conservation-minded would do best to just recycle and refill old water bottles with filtered water. This is surely a simpler and more effective solution to plastic pollution than any manufacturer or designer could come up with.

Read the texts below and answer Questions 9-14.

London Walking Tours

A. London Architecture Walks

A professional interest is not a prerequisite to enjoy this leisurely tour of London’s most I prominent buildings. Taking in a range of architectural designs spanning several centuries, this tour will delight young and old alike. Routes vary so please call in advance for details of daily departure points.

Tel: 020 4578 8894

Contact: londonarchitecturewalks.co.uk

B. Jack the Ripper Walks

Retrace the final steps of the Ripper's with renowned Ripper expert, David Thomson. Places are limited and tickets are sold on a first-come-first-served basis. Concessions available for under 14s. Tours weather permitting.

Daily departures from Aldgate East underground station at 19.00

Tickets: £8

C. Original London Sightseeing Walks

This well-established tour is always well-subscribed. Come rain or shine, we will take you on what is the most comprehensive tour of London. Taking in the familiar sights as well as the more tucked-away treasures of the capital, you will improve your knowledge of London as well as be entertained by our knowledgeable, fully qualified guides en route. Combined tickets for city walk and bus tour available with special discount.

Cost for walking or bus tour only: £7 Combined Ticket: £10.50

Under 13:

£3.50 for walking or bus tour only

£5.50 for combined ticket

Departure point: Tower Hill Station Tours on the hour from 10am-6pm

D. London Duck Tours

See London from an entirely new perspective as you plunge into the River Thames on your semi-submersible World War II DUKW vehicle. Cruise past major London landmarks before re-emerging upstream at Westminster Bridge for our land-based tour. Multiple daily departures from 10.30am.

Tickets: £21, Child: £14

Tel: 020 7926 3134

Contact: londonducktours.co.uk

Departure point: Waterloo railway station

E. Big Bus Tours

Non-stop multilingual tours from 9am-7pm around the city’s very best sights. A hop-on hop-off ticket with 50 stops. Tickets valid for 24 hours, plus three free walking tours and a River Thames Cruise pass included.

Tickets: £26, Child: £ 13

Departure: Charing Cross underground and railway station

Tel: 020 4635 8896


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