Nhảy đến nội dung


Cảm ơn bạn đã dành thời gian gửi phản hồi chất lượng dịch vụ cho chúng tôi. Mặc dù chúng tôi không thể phản hồi tất cả những người đã gửi đánh giá, những đánh giá của các bạn sẽ được sử dụng để cải thiện webiste IELTS Online Tests ngày một tốt hơn.

Very helpful to everyone who don't have enough time to enroll in some training schools and has only limited time to review before taking the exam.

It’s was verry good for me, Because, It's my first rime in ielts test, this online test as a practice for me.

Thanks so very much for all your tremendous effort putting everything together for US.

I wish you all the best:)

This is really very good website to practice well and achieve good score. First I got only 5.5 in my ielts test then after practicing this website I got 7 bands. Thanks for free service very helpful.

The tests are really motivating. They are real tests and are certain to help US prepare well for the actual IELTS test. Thanks a lot for helping us to use the well organised resources for free of cost. Many humble thanks.

Such a great pieces of tasks. Helped me both excel myself everytime and also helped me gain high score.

Recommend it to everyone.

It was informative for me. thank you so much for this invaluable resource that you provide for all of US.


This website is one of the useful platforms that I've ever seen. About this form of test I have to say that the speed of speaker for some parts of test was too fast. Unfortunately, I couldn't realize some parts of the speaker's talks, all in all, The IOT has improved my score more than 2 points.


No doubt, if you practice it properly, there is no need of coaching to score require band, best practice

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